Many years ago I heard and read about the 12 voices of Christmas from different sources. When I pulled out this Christmas decoration my Mom made many years ago, it reminded me of the voices of Christmas. There are 12 different people/groups of people who saw and heard the miraculous things surrounding Jesus’ birth and they tell “in their own words” what they saw and heard. The one I like the best is this audio version by Back to the Bible Broadcast where each of the voices tell about themselves and their perspective of the Christmas story. You can find all 12 free at this YouTube link for your listening pleasure. They range from 7 to 12 minutes each. If you prefer reading about them, you can purchase a paperback book version.

I thought about writing a devotional for each day in Advent, but that’s not going to happen this year—maybe next year if the Lord doesn’t return before then. Besides, I know many people are too busy to read blogs at this time of year. So instead of writing, I thought I’d just share these 12 voices with you that you can listen to all at once, one a day, or two a week from now until Christmas. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and still do. They aren’t very long so it would be good for family devotions and give you a springboard for discussion after you listen (or read) about each voice. In the image below is a glimpse of the 12 voices and what each person expresses with their voice. It gave me a better perspective of what each person might have been thinking and feeling as the events of the birth of our Savior became a reality. I pray it will bless you as you listen or read.