Month: January 2024

115 Useless

I don’t know if anyone else does this, but as I drive to stores and appointments, I casually look around at houses, cars, people, and scenery, and wonder what’s behind the doors, windows, or shrubbery.  I see a house and think it’s pretty or neat looking on the outside but wonder what it’s like on the inside.   It doesn’t mean I want to live there, but that I’m just admiring it from the outside.  The maroon car on the trailer in the above picture sat unused in a neighbor’s yard for months if not longer.  I often wondered why it was never driven or even moved from its spot in the grass.  It looked fine on the outside.  Finally one day as I was looking out the window to see if it was snowing yet, I saw it being loaded onto the back of a truck and taken away.  Perhaps it was useless to the owner because it required too many expensive repairs???  I’ll never know.  But I was curious that it sat so long before being removed.

When I pass properties that look like a junkyard, I can’t help but wonder why the owners don’t remove it.  It is an eyesore to all who travel that way and I’m sure especially to neighbors.  Then one day I got to thinking…  I’m sure there are things in my life that are an eyesore to others…things that are not useful and just take up time or space in my life.  I’m pretty good about keeping a neat, clutter-free home because I came from a home that was just the opposite and told myself that in my own home I would never allow things to accumulate on the dining room table, would never have piles of laundry lying about, nor dirty dishes all over the counter.  But what about my life? 

My eyes drift to a stack of journals that I’ve kept over the years since I retired.  At first it was a fun thing and a good exercise of discipline to sit down and write about my day.  However, when I go back and read those journals now I see how redundant my entries were and are, and how minuscule.  Part of that is because my life is just like that—the same every day for the most part, little diversion or entertainment.  If a friend or relative calls me that day, that’s something to write about!  You get the picture.  Maybe your life is like that, too.  So then I wonder if it’s even worthwhile writing in journals.  I mean, who will want to read them when I’m gone?!  Of course, maybe that’s a good thing because sometimes I write a lot, letting off steam and frustration in my journals and nobody needs to read that. 

I don’t only write mundane things in my journal.  I like to record the good things that happen so that when I look back on my journals, I will see the blessings of God.  Last year I began including a line at the end of each day’s entry that starts “Today God…”  I continue that this year.  Some days I have to really think hard how to finish that sentence, but other days I know right away what I’m going to write.  But that’s the idea.  Some days it’s obvious what God is doing in my life, but other days it’s not.  However, that doesn’t mean God wasn’t doing something in my life that day; it just means I have to think a little harder to see what He was doing.  Sometimes even in those statements I find myself repeating but maybe it’s because God isn’t done with that day’s work yet. 

So even if someone only reads the “Today God….” statement in my journals, they are worth writing and my journals are not useless like that car in the picture.  I’d like to think that those statements will get them thinking about what God is doing in their lives. That’s the point!  What is God doing in your life today?  Don’t miss it by hurrying on to the next thing on your agenda or telling yourself you you are useless.

“It is useless, useless, said the Philosopher. Life is useless, all useless. You spend your life working, laboring, and what do you have to show for it? Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same.”
Ecclesiastes 1:2-4, GNT

The writer of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, started out by saying life is useless.  Don’t we all feel that way at times?  You work so hard to provide for your family, and some days it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.  If you keep on reading Ecclesiastes, in chapter 3, verse 1 he says, “Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses.”

In the end, nothing is as useless as it seems to us now.  God has a purpose for everything, every incident, every life, every event—both good and bad.  So how will you finish this statement today:

“Today God….”

114 Peaceful Vignette

If you could picture a peaceful vignette in your mind, what would it look like?  Sound like?  Smell like?  Feel like???  Would the scene of your arriving at Heaven’s gates be peaceful for you or full of trepidation and anxiety?

I’ve looked forward to going to Heaven for many years, but not always.  My concept of what Heaven would be like was distorted and it didn’t appeal to me even though I knew I would be with the Lord.  Besides, in my younger years Heaven seemed like such a far- away place in terms of time and distance.  Reading Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven changed all that for me.  But don’t take my word for it.  Read his book and see if it doesn’t inspire you and make you long for the day you will get to go there.

I don’t know who God will designate to meet me once I walk through the Gate, but I have someone in mind whom I could request if it were possible.  Of course, I want to see Jesus Christ, but all of us who know Him are “little Christs” (Christians), and maybe He will send one of His children to meet me.  There are lots of friends and relatives I’ll be anxious to see, but one in particular was like a second father to me and I can’t think of anyone more perfect to welcome me to Heaven other than the Lord Himself.  This man was always there when I needed someone to talk to.  He gave the biggest bear hugs.  He encouraged me.  He included me with his family in special events.  At his funeral, one of his children told me that their Dad thought the world of me…which of course brought me to tears.  I knew I was special to him and he to me.  That’s a very peaceful vignette.  Seeing his smiling face and open arms will infuse me with all the energy I need to not walk but run to him.

What is a vignette?  Collins Dictionary says this:

“A vignette is a short description, picture, or piece of acting that expresses very clearly and neatly the typical characteristics of the thing that it represents.”

Collins Dictionary

So think about what your peaceful vignette looks like both here and when you arrive in Heaven.  Obviously if you’re not headed to Heaven, it certainly won’t be peaceful, but who wants to think about that!  However, there is a remedy…

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
Romans 5:1-2, KJV

Peel back the layers of preconceived ideas of what Heaven might look like and how things might go when you get there.  What do you hope to see upon arrival?  What will the scene include?  Will the view be boring and drab or breathtakingly beautiful?  Can your eyes even take it all in?  What will it smell like?  I can’t imagine that it would smell like the pollution of cities and factories.  Maybe the scent of fresh flowers in bloom?  What will you hear?  Will it be the golden harps so much associated with angels and Heaven?  Could be, but I think it will be more quiet and peaceful, something that will appeal to everyone who enters.  Perhaps it will be the sounds of nature—birds chirping, water gurgling in a stream, or maybe the roar of a waterfalls.  Regardless, our ears will be able to hear everything clearly even if we couldn’t here on earth.  What will it feel like?  Can you reach out and touch an animal or plant without fear of a bite or rash? 

Now that you’ve had time to think about your peaceful vignette in Heaven, may I share what mine might be like?

As I began this post, being greeted by my second father with a big bear hug is just the beginning.  Then he might take me by the hand and gently lead me through the streets of Heaven, greeting the Apostles and Prophets, all the while looking for Jesus around the next corner.  After that, a reunion with my relatives and friends will be a treat.  Since there’s no night in Heaven, being taken to my “mansion” for a time of rest might be next, lying down in peace without any fear or need to check the doors to make sure they’re locked.  My pets will be waiting to greet me, letting me know how much they’ve missed me and I them.  Snuggling into their furry embrace, I’ll fall asleep with them by my side just as we did on earth. 

When I awake refreshed from a nap, a new “day” will start and I’ll get to meet up with my relatives and friends and catch up some more on all we’ve missed while apart.  Then I’ll want to go exploring to see all the wonderful things God has prepared for me there, never tiring no matter how far I walk.

That peaceful vignette has me desiring to go to Heaven and settle in for all eternity, and if it’s different than what I envision, it doesn’t matter.  The most important part will be to see Jesus and know I’m finally home and never have to leave again.  How about you?

113 Peaceful Influence

Many years ago this Grandma was summoned to Hawaii to help out when grandchild #2 was to arrive.  Being there for three weeks, my Grandson and I had lots of time together.  To tire him out as well as to give his Mom quiet time to rest, we went for lots of walks.  I wanted to capture every moment, knowing I’d most likely never visit Hawaii again and because I didn’t know how soon I’d see my grandkids again.

On our many walks, I took lots of pictures which I often look at and remember those special times.  I even bought a special Hawaii photo album to put them into.  My daughter-in-law took the kids on walks, too.  After I came home, my Grandson kept telling his Mom she had to take a picture of every flower.  At first she ignored it until finally she asked him why?  Guess what he said?  “Because Grandma did.”  He was too little to understand why I took all the pictures—he just knew that Grandma did so it must be important.

Ever since his Mom relayed that story to me, I’ve treasured it in my heart, knowing that I left an everlasting impression on his little mind and life.  It was those peaceful moments of our times together that I hope and pray influence him to turn to God when life deals its blows. 

The other impression that echoes in my mind is the love connection we had back then and hopefully still do despite the many miles still between us.  Forever etched in my mind is the day the family took me to the airport to fly home.  I said my goodbyes and as I turned to get in line to board, all I heard was my Grandson crying “I want Grandma!”  Then I burst into tears and knew I couldn’t look back.  I cried myself to sleep after the plane took off.  Despite both our tears, I knew I left a peaceful influence on him by the fact that he wanted to be with me.

What kind of influence do you have on others and others on you? 

First, what influences you?  Is there a certain author, singer, or speaker who affects you? and is it in a good way?  I’ve read some authors and heard some singers and speakers who completely turned me off, and then there’s been some who really encouraged me.  I want to be the latter for those around me.  To be that kind of person who’s encouraging, I need to be around those who encourage me.  If I constantly absorb the negative, pessimistic influence of others, it’s going to affect me negatively and pessimistically.

What you hear, taste, smell, and see is integrated into your being whether you want it to or not.  Our senses are like sponges that absorb everything they come into contact with.  For instance, take people who smoke and those who don’t.  When I’m out in public, I try to avoid the places where people will be smoking—not because of the people but because of the smoke.  I’ve never smoked but someone close to me did, and I always hated it because then my clothes, my hair, and my car smelled like smoke, and it made my eyes pick and burn if I was in a room full of people who smoked. 

What you think about, say, and do is no different than your senses.  If you’re allowing bad thoughts, opinions of others, news, politics, and all kinds of other negative influences into your brain, then that’s what will come out when you open your mouth.  Is what comes out of you a peaceful influence on others?

Are those around you a peaceful influence on you?  Surround yourself with people who are positive, kind, and encouraging, and it will go a long way to give you a peaceful influence in your life and as you reach out to influence others.

“So then we pursue the things which make for peace
and the building up of one another.”

Romans 14:19, NASB

There’s different kinds of peace in this world.  Some is delusional and some is only temporary.  The peaceful influence that lasts is from God.  Where does your peace come from?  Share it with others.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

John 14:27

112 What brings you peace?

I have enjoyed writing over the years, and many, many years ago I even had a few articles and stories published.  My cat in this picture has given me some inspiration and also liked to “help” with her paw when I wrote in my journal.  Actually, I think she wanted my attention and was trying to distract me, but it brought me peace to have her by my side, on my lap, or curled up nearby while I wrote.  At least I could override her when it came to what and how I wrote.

I remember one particular article I wrote for a magazine and the editors said they liked my article.  However, they of course have the liberty to edit, and when they were done editing, it read nothing like what I had written.  That really bothered me because even though they had the right to do so and were still paying me, it no longer represented me.  That experience put the damper on my peaceful writing experience. 

Over the years rejection letters didn’t do anything for me either—whether it was the rejection of something I wrote or the rejection to a job application.  I kept submitting articles and stories as well as job applications, but there was always a pinhole in my peace when the rejection letter arrived in the mail. 

If you like a particular style, whether clothes, reading material (hardbound, paperback,  electronic), furniture and decor, music (I know that can be a touchy subject for some.) etc…  Does it bring peace to you?  Does it matter what the style of today is?  Does it matter if others like it?

I’ve had people tell me I have a gift for writing.  Now I’m not saying that to puff myself up…far from it.  I’m just saying that there are different styles that work for different people.  While one editor may not like what or how I wrote, another individual may be blessed reading something I shared in writing.  What was the editor’s loss becomes a treasure to an individual reader.  That is why I’ve chosen to just write and let the Lord use it as He sees fit, guiding the readers to my blog who need what I share.  It’s not that I couldn’t use the extra income from writing, but it isn’t worth it to me to have what I’ve written changed so much that it doesn’t even sound like me.  I’d rather people read me for who and what I am, and allow the Lord to use my writing as He sees fit.

Over the years, I’ve come to take on my Mom’s motto, “If others don’t like it, they can buy me something better.”  She was referring to clothing, and though that attitude came from her not having and not being able to afford nice new things, I think for me it has come to mean more about myself.  If I’m out of my “element” by wearing clothing I don’t feel comfortable in or going somewhere or doing something I don’t enjoy or that may be questionable to me, it doesn’t bring peaceful feelings.  I wear what I like whether it’s in style or not—within reason.  I’m definitely not a “Beverly Hillbillies” person nor a trendsetter, but more of a retro person in many aspects.

So what brings you peace in the different areas of your life?  Are you comfortable in your own skin, as the saying goes?  Do you dress in a particular fashion to be trendy or accepted, but feel self-conscious or uncomfortable?  Does that bring you peace?  How about your home?  Have you overspent to purchase or decorate your home and now stress over bills?  How’s peace in that area?  Do you go with the flow and frequent places that you wouldn’t want to be seen in if your parents, pastor, or the Lord should see you entering or leaving?  Is that a peaceful situation?

I know I’m meddling somewhat, but all I’m saying is that peace is the bottom line and if you don’t have peace about what you’re doing, wearing, etc. then you can’t expect to have God’s peace permeate your life.  He will give peace when you’re obeying Him and living for Him—that’s what brings peace!

I want to close with a brief thought about the direction of peace, where the arrow is pointing.  There is a peace with God, a spiritual peace—that points upward, and it affects our relationship with Him.  Next there is a peace within, an emotional peace—that points inward and is what we most often refer to as the peace of God.  Then there’s a peace with others, a relational peace—that points outward and is what brings people together.  Look at the direction of your life in these areas and see what is at the end of the arrow.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you.
Wash your hands, you sinners,
and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

James 4:8, NIV

This verse points us to God and when we go there in our thoughts, words, and actions, He comes to us with His peace.  But as moms always say before a meal, go wash your hands.  Then you’ll have a clean spot for His peace to enter and reside.

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