Many years ago this Grandma was summoned to Hawaii to help out when grandchild #2 was to arrive. Being there for three weeks, my Grandson and I had lots of time together. To tire him out as well as to give his Mom quiet time to rest, we went for lots of walks. I wanted to capture every moment, knowing I’d most likely never visit Hawaii again and because I didn’t know how soon I’d see my grandkids again.
On our many walks, I took lots of pictures which I often look at and remember those special times. I even bought a special Hawaii photo album to put them into. My daughter-in-law took the kids on walks, too. After I came home, my Grandson kept telling his Mom she had to take a picture of every flower. At first she ignored it until finally she asked him why? Guess what he said? “Because Grandma did.” He was too little to understand why I took all the pictures—he just knew that Grandma did so it must be important.
Ever since his Mom relayed that story to me, I’ve treasured it in my heart, knowing that I left an everlasting impression on his little mind and life. It was those peaceful moments of our times together that I hope and pray influence him to turn to God when life deals its blows.
The other impression that echoes in my mind is the love connection we had back then and hopefully still do despite the many miles still between us. Forever etched in my mind is the day the family took me to the airport to fly home. I said my goodbyes and as I turned to get in line to board, all I heard was my Grandson crying “I want Grandma!” Then I burst into tears and knew I couldn’t look back. I cried myself to sleep after the plane took off. Despite both our tears, I knew I left a peaceful influence on him by the fact that he wanted to be with me.
What kind of influence do you have on others and others on you?
First, what influences you? Is there a certain author, singer, or speaker who affects you? and is it in a good way? I’ve read some authors and heard some singers and speakers who completely turned me off, and then there’s been some who really encouraged me. I want to be the latter for those around me. To be that kind of person who’s encouraging, I need to be around those who encourage me. If I constantly absorb the negative, pessimistic influence of others, it’s going to affect me negatively and pessimistically.
What you hear, taste, smell, and see is integrated into your being whether you want it to or not. Our senses are like sponges that absorb everything they come into contact with. For instance, take people who smoke and those who don’t. When I’m out in public, I try to avoid the places where people will be smoking—not because of the people but because of the smoke. I’ve never smoked but someone close to me did, and I always hated it because then my clothes, my hair, and my car smelled like smoke, and it made my eyes pick and burn if I was in a room full of people who smoked.
What you think about, say, and do is no different than your senses. If you’re allowing bad thoughts, opinions of others, news, politics, and all kinds of other negative influences into your brain, then that’s what will come out when you open your mouth. Is what comes out of you a peaceful influence on others?
Are those around you a peaceful influence on you? Surround yourself with people who are positive, kind, and encouraging, and it will go a long way to give you a peaceful influence in your life and as you reach out to influence others.
“So then we pursue the things which make for peace
and the building up of one another.”
Romans 14:19, NASB
There’s different kinds of peace in this world. Some is delusional and some is only temporary. The peaceful influence that lasts is from God. Where does your peace come from? Share it with others.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
John 14:27