If you could picture a peaceful vignette in your mind, what would it look like? Sound like? Smell like? Feel like??? Would the scene of your arriving at Heaven’s gates be peaceful for you or full of trepidation and anxiety?
I’ve looked forward to going to Heaven for many years, but not always. My concept of what Heaven would be like was distorted and it didn’t appeal to me even though I knew I would be with the Lord. Besides, in my younger years Heaven seemed like such a far- away place in terms of time and distance. Reading Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven changed all that for me. But don’t take my word for it. Read his book and see if it doesn’t inspire you and make you long for the day you will get to go there.
I don’t know who God will designate to meet me once I walk through the Gate, but I have someone in mind whom I could request if it were possible. Of course, I want to see Jesus Christ, but all of us who know Him are “little Christs” (Christians), and maybe He will send one of His children to meet me. There are lots of friends and relatives I’ll be anxious to see, but one in particular was like a second father to me and I can’t think of anyone more perfect to welcome me to Heaven other than the Lord Himself. This man was always there when I needed someone to talk to. He gave the biggest bear hugs. He encouraged me. He included me with his family in special events. At his funeral, one of his children told me that their Dad thought the world of me…which of course brought me to tears. I knew I was special to him and he to me. That’s a very peaceful vignette. Seeing his smiling face and open arms will infuse me with all the energy I need to not walk but run to him.
What is a vignette? Collins Dictionary says this:
“A vignette is a short description, picture, or piece of acting that expresses very clearly and neatly the typical characteristics of the thing that it represents.”
Collins Dictionary
So think about what your peaceful vignette looks like both here and when you arrive in Heaven. Obviously if you’re not headed to Heaven, it certainly won’t be peaceful, but who wants to think about that! However, there is a remedy…
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”
Romans 5:1-2, KJV
Peel back the layers of preconceived ideas of what Heaven might look like and how things might go when you get there. What do you hope to see upon arrival? What will the scene include? Will the view be boring and drab or breathtakingly beautiful? Can your eyes even take it all in? What will it smell like? I can’t imagine that it would smell like the pollution of cities and factories. Maybe the scent of fresh flowers in bloom? What will you hear? Will it be the golden harps so much associated with angels and Heaven? Could be, but I think it will be more quiet and peaceful, something that will appeal to everyone who enters. Perhaps it will be the sounds of nature—birds chirping, water gurgling in a stream, or maybe the roar of a waterfalls. Regardless, our ears will be able to hear everything clearly even if we couldn’t here on earth. What will it feel like? Can you reach out and touch an animal or plant without fear of a bite or rash?
Now that you’ve had time to think about your peaceful vignette in Heaven, may I share what mine might be like?
As I began this post, being greeted by my second father with a big bear hug is just the beginning. Then he might take me by the hand and gently lead me through the streets of Heaven, greeting the Apostles and Prophets, all the while looking for Jesus around the next corner. After that, a reunion with my relatives and friends will be a treat. Since there’s no night in Heaven, being taken to my “mansion” for a time of rest might be next, lying down in peace without any fear or need to check the doors to make sure they’re locked. My pets will be waiting to greet me, letting me know how much they’ve missed me and I them. Snuggling into their furry embrace, I’ll fall asleep with them by my side just as we did on earth.
When I awake refreshed from a nap, a new “day” will start and I’ll get to meet up with my relatives and friends and catch up some more on all we’ve missed while apart. Then I’ll want to go exploring to see all the wonderful things God has prepared for me there, never tiring no matter how far I walk.
That peaceful vignette has me desiring to go to Heaven and settle in for all eternity, and if it’s different than what I envision, it doesn’t matter. The most important part will be to see Jesus and know I’m finally home and never have to leave again. How about you?