More love, O Christ, to Thee
Is that your prayer? Click on the picture above, sing along with the hymn, and make it your prayer.
If you have children or have opportunity to interact with them, I’m sure you’ve experienced their selfishness and unwillingness to share with others at times. When one does share a little of what they have, the other isn’t satisfied. They want more.
Contrast that with a grandmother who lavishes her time, attention, and love on her grandkids. One hug or kiss isn’t enough. She gives another and another…more love. That’s what God wants from us…more love, more attention, more praise and glory for His Name.
I was reading some other articles and blogs on the internet, and one of them listed a series of “incredible things that happen when you give your heart to God”. Guess what the first one was? PEACE! and another was that you experience real love. Dear friends and readers, the two are definitely related. Our love for God brings peace into our hearts and we can then experience all He has for us. Don’t forget that three-letter word that’s so important: ALL. If we only give Him part of our love and attention, we won’t get the full effects of His love. We must give God our full attention. Dings and whistles and all kinds of notifications on our phones are good and very necessary in some cases. I need that audible reminder when I have to get ready to go somewhere in case I fall asleep or get sidetracked. But when I visit someone or have guests at my place, I prefer to silence my phone and that they would do the same. If we are with someone, they deserve our full attention, not to be interrupted with distractions that can wait. I want to give (and receive) more love, not less. The distractions cause less, but focused attention gives more.

Some of my relatives enjoy a little banter back and forth. One says I love you. The other says I love you more. The first one comes back with But God loves us most. None of us can top that. Let’s give each other and God more love in this season of the year and always.