Just like any good mom, I often had to tell my kids to say they’re sorry to each other or to someone else. If you know kids, their response was usually Do I have to? OR Must I?

My two kids loved each other when they were little, but oh the sibling rivalry as they grew up! Must I love other people? What if I don’t want to? What if it was an option or a choice to love your parents, spouse, or other family member? Would you—ALWAYS?
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.
Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
John 13:34-35
The child’s reluctance to apologize is based on selfishness. He did something to me or she took my toy. Loving is based on desire to put the other person first. I love him so I’m going to forgive and forget our argument ever happened. When the two come into conflict with each other, human nature says selfishness will win out. But love will be the victor when God’s love is propelling us on. He commands us to love each other just as He has loved us. This love shines bright and clear through all the dinginess of this world and lets everyone around us know that we belong to Him.
I had an inner discussion with myself just today, not about love, but about must I? I was sitting so comfortable in my rocker with my cat curled up on my lap keeping me warm. It was cold outside. I knew I needed to get out there and walk. But I didn’t want to. I was too comfortable. I asked myself must I? My desire to be comfortable lost out as I thought about the benefits of exercise and how I had already lost 18 pounds and didn’t want to gain it back. Yes, I must! And I did.
An inner conversation like that happens quite frequently with me. I need to motivate myself to do what is right just like our motivation to love is generated by God with the end purpose of proving to the world that we are His disciples. Do you need to have such a conversation today to get you motivated? What better time than now with Valentine’s Day right around the corner!