Here in the United States, we have one state in particular that has acquired the unofficial slogan that they are the Show me state. While I don’t live in that state, it is also unofficially my slogan as well. You can tell me anything you want, but be ready to back it up with actions. I’m also the kind of person who learns better if you show me how to do something rather than tell me. But once you show me, then let me run with it. Micro managers who stand over your shoulder are not my favorite people.
If I asked you to show me what love is like, what comes to your mind? Talk is cheap and sometimes things are, too. The actions must match the words. Teasing my boyfriend one day I told him that my love language is T&T and he thought I said TNT! We had a laugh about that. 😊 T&T for me stands for talk and touch. TALK to me about your day, how you feel, what your plans are, and anything else—just don’t clam up and shut me out. TOUCH me on the arm or put your arm around my shoulder; I need to feel the closeness of someone who cares.

The “love chapter” of the Bible gives us many more ways of showing our love. Were you patient with the cashier who was slow yesterday? Are you kind to people who are not kind to you? Be glad for others’ accomplishments and thankful for those who help you when you need it. Take a deep breath and exhale the anger and frustration that is just under the surface. Throw away the mental tablet where you’ve been keeping a list of all the things that someone has done against you. Be glad when truth reigns. Protect those who have no one to protect them. Trust God and those whom He has put in your life who are worthy of your trust. Base your hope on the promised eternal life God offers. Don’t give up!
Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13