Love is celebrated in various ways at different stages. I’m not a counselor or anything like that, but from experience of myself and people I know, here are a few thoughts on the stages of love to participate in, observe, and celebrate over time.
Puppy love—No, not the puppy kind in this picture. 😊 The so-cute puppy love of a child who has just discovered the opposite sex and doesn’t want to be separated from them. This is usually short-lived but there are occasions when it lasts a lifetime. It’s adorable to watch their interactions.

Friendship—Friendship is a great time to spend time with friends in the company of others so that there’s an accountability factor in the relationships. Have fun! Enjoy being with others in a safe environment. Take your time observing how others interact and respond. After all, who wants to be friends with someone who is unkind or worse yet abusive?! Here’s where you can isolate the one(s) who would not be a wise choice or a compatible one.
Dating—A young lady and young man meet, probably in the friendship stage, and decide they want to get to know each other so they go places and do activities together. There’s no time limit on dating. It could be short or could last for years. It depends on the couple. If something makes them feel uncomfortable or not sure about the relationship, this is a good time to find out and make a choice to stay together or break it off.
Engagement—A man and lady have spent considerable time in the dating stage and decided they’re right for each other and ready to take it up a notch. A man asks the lady to marry him, she says yes, and the ring goes on her finger. It’s still a time of getting to know each other even deeper as they discuss what their future together will look like, their goals, and their dreams. It’s not too late at this point to break it off if a red flag starts popping up, but if you’ve spent enough time in the dating stage, you may have already discussed deeper things and are ready to make a move.
Marriage—Ah yes, wedded bliss, right? It’s God’s plan but sometimes man messes it up. Make your husband or wife a priority with your time and attention. Focus on him or her and don’t allow distractions to entice you away. Build on the good things and discard the things that tend to divide you.
Widowed or Divorced—Unfortunately things don’t always go as planned and you may find yourself alone again, but know that God loves you and there is still love out there for you to experience. Don’t be afraid to step out when the right person or opportunity presents itself.
VALENTINE’S DAY is the perfect time to celebrate your love and especially God’s love with another person whether it’s a friend, spouse, child, or other family member. It doesn’t matter which stage of love you are in right now. CELEBRATE!