We take meds to relieve a headache or other pain. We change positions to alleviate pressure sores or tight muscles. We leave the room to alleviate the tension when we sense an argument brewing. I’m not sure what these goats were trying to alleviate by climbing the rocks but they were entertaining as we sat at a picnic table eating and watching them which helped to alleviate my stress.
On that particular day I was on my way to the vet to put down my 16-year-old cat. She was stressed out and not doing well, and I wanted to alleviate her pain. However, in alleviating her stress and pain, it became my stress, emotional pain and grief. She is no longer in pain and it took two months for me to work through my own, but I think I’m on the other side now, though I know there are and always will be moments of flashbacks that will cause momentary grief. I miss her but I knew she was struggling and it was best for her.
The Bible uses the word alleviate in two places in one version (ISV). The first is in the familiar story of Joseph being in charge of food during the famine in Egypt.
“If you’re honest men, leave one of your brothers here in custody,
then the rest of you can leave and take some grain with you
to alleviate the famine that’s affecting your households.”
Genesis 42:19, ISV
God had orchestrated Joseph’s life and his brothers’ lives so that they would meet again and give Joseph opportunity to prove God is in control when he could have denied food to his brothers who sold him out of hatred. If Joseph had not been committed to God, things could have gone a lot differently for him while he was in prison, and his brothers and father might have starved to death during the famine. But God chose to use Joseph to alleviate the food shortage for many people including his own family.
The other passage that uses the word alleviate has a broader reach. It includes seeking, justice, defense, and pleading. Alleviate is interchangeable with relieve, reprove, and help in other versions of the Bible. Put all these words together, and it is a huge challenge for us to alleviate not only oppression (in the following verse) or famine (in the previous verse) but anything that is wrong or pressing in on people’s lives.
“Learn to practice what is good;
seek justice,
alleviate oppression,
defend orphans in court,
and plead the widow’s case.”
Isaiah 1:17, ISV
When financial issues press in on an individual or a family, we need to help alleviate some of their stress and strain however we can. Share food from your garden. Slip some cash into their hands or pockets to help them buy necessities. Teach them how to sew or other trades that can help them provide for themselves.
What can YOU do to help alleviate someone’s burden? I just came back from a walk and was thinking and praying as I walked. You never know what you might come up with while you’re outside away from all the distractions of phones and computers! Allow the Lord to speak to you while you’re enjoying His great creation and getting some needed exercise—a win/win all the way around! More about how nature affects our peace in my next post…stay tuned.