Month: March 2024

121 Crash

I was out walking one day after a storm had passed through the area a few days before and noticed this tree that had split open, cracked, and fell.  Only one time in my life have I actually seen a tree fall on its own (not one that was being cut down), and it really did not make as much noise as one would think, but it was a crash nevertheless.

When there is a split between two people or a crack in their character or armor, sometimes it’s a clean break while other times it’s gradual and not always detected until all of a sudden there’s a crash.  That’s the way life goes.  One day a person is standing tall and stately like a beautiful tree, and the next day the tree has crashed to the ground.  What was the cause?

Roots may have been disturbed. 

  • The roots of a tree are what keeps them anchored to the ground. 
  • Roots absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil and send nourishment up into the tree. 
  • Roots keep the tree balanced. 

How are your roots?  I don’t mean family tree roots, although they are part of your life. 

  • Do you cultivate the things that keep you grounded in life? 
  • What are you feeding on?  Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually?
  • Is all of your focus on one thing or one path in life?  Or do you take time to look around and allow God to show you other paths?

Preventative maintenance is necessary in all aspects of life.

  • Running over roots sticking out of the ground with a lawn mower may not disturb a tree the first time, but repeated strikes of the mower blades on the roots over a period of time will eventually destroy the tree.
  • What a tree absorbs good or bad affects its growth.  There was an overbearing what I thought was a plant in my flower garden, so I left it go for a while until I discovered what it really was.  When I found out what it was, I knew I didn’t want it because it was invasive.  It was extremely difficult to kill this particular plant which would have grown much larger than I cared for in my flowers next to my house.  So I actually had to try all kinds of poisonous chemicals to keep it from growing.  Its roots went so deep into the ground that I couldn’t dig them out and every time I thought I had killed it on the surface, a new shoot sprung up from the roots in the ground.  It was even growing under my mobile home where it’s dark.
  • A balanced diet keeps us healthy and strong.  If we eat too much of one food and not enough of another, our body won’t respond as it should.  It needs a balance of food to maintain a healthy weight, complexion, and strength.

“Having been firmly rooted
and now being built up in Him
and established in your faith,
just as you were instructed,
and overflowing with gratitude.”

Colossians 2:7, NASB

If your life would right now crash to a sudden halt, what would those left behind see?  Would it be a clean break where you were living right and God decided it was time for you to go to be with Him?  Would it be a life that was riddled with sin that had decayed from the inside out, causing unseen destruction that you never knew was coming?  Was your body malnourished because it wasn’t fed properly?

I’m not a doctor and not big on diets nor medicines so I’m not even going to address the physical body.  But our spiritual bodies are just as, if not more, important than our physical bodies.  So here are some spiritual maintenance ideas to help your spiritual life remain strong and and keep it from crashing down:

  • Prayer is the first line of defense for me.  When something happens, I make it a point of taking it to the Lord in prayer, though not always as soon as I should.
  • Reading the Bible is next.  I find that if I read the Bible, even if I don’t understand everything I read, it is getting into my head and my heart, and I often recall later what I read and put it together with new knowledge and understanding.
  • Bible study is not the same thing as reading the Bible.  If I really want to internalize what I’m reading and apply it, I need to study the Bible.  Recently I went through a Bible study book on loving God with your whole mind and it captured so much of my spiritual attention, helping me to focus on the right things and attitudes.
  • Worshiping the Lord God is what keeps us focused on Him and His attributes.  Corporate worship together with other believers is so necessary because it not only helps us to focus, but uplifts us as we see and hear others worshiping Him along with us, energizing us even more.
  • Praise Him for all He does for you.  Don’t let a day go by without thinking about what the Lord has done for you, and then thank and praise Him for it.  Listening to your favorite Christian music is an excellent way of keeping your mind on Him and give Him glory and praise back.
  • Journaling your prayers and what you’re learning about God can be very helpful.  It gives you something to go back to when you need a boost, reminds you of the lessons you’ve learned from past experiences, and keeps you focused on what is true and right.  I may have mentioned it in a previous post, but at the end of each day’s journal entry, I start a sentence (or sometimes a paragraph) with “Today God…” which forces me to think about what God has done for me that day.

If you don’t want to crash to the ground from spiritual deficiencies or neglect, try these spiritual maintenance ideas.  It will help you maintain that perfect peace we all need and want.


If you like to do word searches, here is one for Easter (religious words only, no eggs, bunnies, etc.).

Go to: to download, print, or search online. The picture below is just to show you what it looks like. Enjoy!

120 Control

Every picture I take has a story but sometimes I don’t know what it is right away.  I see an object or a scene and think to myself, that has a story and I want to think about what it might be and what I can learn from it.  One day while I was serving at a camp, I was leisurely browsing in the gift shop and reading some of the signs and posters there.  This one caught my eye and made me laugh so I purchased it.  When I shared it with a few friends, they also laughed and asked me to buy them one when I was in the gift shop again.  So I hung it in my office to remind me what I do NOT want to be like.

Yesterday I looked up and read the quote again and got to thinking.  Am I a control freak?  I never thought of myself as one, but sometimes I do catch myself wanting to show someone “the right way to do that”.  After all, there is a right and a wrong way to do some things, right?!  That got me to thinking…  What if you or I heard GOD saying that to you and me?  “My child, there is a right way to…”  Would we listen?  Or would we be stubborn and keep on trying to do things in our own way, in our own strength, in our own time?

God is not a control freak as we would think of one, but He does have rules and guidelines in His Word that show us the right way to do things.  Yes, there is a RIGHT way to do things—GOD’S way!  Too many times I catch myself trying to do things my way and not even giving a thought to how God wants me to do it…especially when it comes to relationships and emotions.

In a television sermon, Charles Stanley said:

“To accomplish what God requires,we must rely upon the Holy Spiritand acknowledge our identity in Christ. If we do the Lord’s work the Lord’s way,it will always end well.”

Charles Stanley

That is a good basis for doing things the right way.  God’s Word is the key to success and pleasing Him.  God tells us:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
saith the LORD.”

Isaiah 55:8, KJV

Why not?  Why aren’t God’s thoughts ours and ours His?  If we are truly His child, we should be thinking like He does which in turn guides our words and actions.

Think about some of the people in the Bible and how they responded to God’s direction.  There are many, but here are a few:

  • Philip had a choice of speaking to the Ethiopian in the chariot and baptizing him or walking away.  (Acts 8:26-40)
  • Paul could have taken the easy way and fled from persecution, but chose to keep plugging away on his missionary journeys. (Book of Acts)
  • Jonah initially chose to run away from God’s direction, but God got his attention in the belly of the whale and he eventually did things God’s way.  (Book of Jonah)
  • Daniel chose to keep praying even in the face of persecution and possible death.  (Daniel 6:10-28)
  • Moses was quite the man of the hour for God’s people and while he made some bad decisions, he continued on serving God.  (Numbers 20:8-11)

Someone who shows you the right way to do things is not necessarily a control freak (but there are a few who are).  The teacher in the classroom instructs their pupils how to work a math problem, how to put your fingers on the keyboard correctly to be a more efficient typist, teaches a cosmetology student how to do perms, haircuts, and other services, teaches an auto mechanics student how to take cars apart and do repairs, and on the list goes.  Without someone showing us how to do things, we might get it wrong.  It’s kind of like the old saying, When all else fails, read instructions!  If you want to put together a piece of furniture or other item correctly, be sure to follow instructions.  Are the instructions or the person who wrote them a control freak?  No.  They are meant to be helpful and to keep us from putting things together incorrectly.  Accidentally putting together two pieces that aren’t supposed to go together (at least yet) can be a big problem.  So follow the instructions to get it right the first time.

It is true that with some things in life there is no right or wrong way or answer.  But the resultant outcome is the key.  Did you end up how or where you wanted to be with the way you chose?  It’s like choosing to trust your GPS to get you to your destination or saying it’s wrong and choosing your own way (and getting lost).

Who’s in control of your life?  Who controls the way you take?  Who controls the outcome?  Don’t be a control freak.  Let God have control.  The results will work out much better, and you’ll have that perfect peace that won’t be present without Him.

119 Addition

What is the first math we learn as kids?  That’s right!  Addition!  Probably because it’s the easiest—at least when you’re counting on fingers and toes.  LOL  But it doesn’t take long before you’re learning to subtract like when someone eats one of your cookies.  Then there’s the calculation of bigger numbers that take a lot more mental processing.  I don’t know about you, but my brain doesn’t compute so easily anymore and I’ve become dependent on a calculator.

Sometimes the addition of different things makes life better.  Take, for instance, adding color to an otherwise drab room or painting.  However, if you go overboard, it can get a cluttered feel to it and actually take away from the original setting instead of becoming a welcome addition.

“And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue;
and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance;
and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
For if these things be in you, and abound,
they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful
in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

II Peter 1:5-8, KJV

The Bible gives us a very important lesson in addition in the above verses.  It’s like building a tower of blocks.  Be diligent and start with faith, adding virtue, then knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and finally charity.  If you leave out one of those, your tower of spiritual maturity will fall apart.

Adding to anything makes it bigger.  Take a bank account…adding another deposit to it makes the total balance bigger.  Stocking your freezer with the addition of meat, vegetables, ice cream, and other goodies fills it.  The addition of a pet or new family member expands the love in your home.  Putting an addition onto your home adds square feet and more living space to it.  These are all good things.

The addition of some things can be a burden or add stress.  Take a person who takes on too many extra hours at work.  That may not be the best addition to their life.  Or a person who loves baked goods…adding extra calories and weight can be a problem for their body. 

I’ve always carried a lot in my purse.  Every time I take something out and try to downsize to something smaller, that item is just the thing I don’t have with me and need.  But the additional weight on my shoulder causing neck and shoulder pain caused me to do things differently.  Instead of a shoulder bag, I started carrying a bag at my opposite side.

What have you added into your life that may not be the best thing for you at this time?  Maybe it’s time to switch to subtraction and remove it.

What do you need to add into your life?  It could be exercise, diet, free time, spending time with friends and family, or most importantly having fellowship with the Lord…reading His Word, meditating, and praying.

Addition can be a good thing or a not-so-good thing.  Be careful what and how much you are adding.  If you want to have that perfect peace in life, there are definitely things that can get in the way of that peace as well as things that will calm and soothe.  If it’s God’s perfect peace that you truly want, there is only one source—God Himself.  As far as the quantity, He gives beyond measure, as much as we want and ask for.  If we don’t want it, He won’t give it.  If we don’t ask, we won’t receive.

If you don’t add things to your life, you will by default be subtracting.  If you don’t add food and water to your body, it will be subtracting from the store you have and deplete its resources.  The same is true of our spiritual resources.  We need to keep adding knowledge and inspiration from the Word of God so we can keep growing. 

How’s your math calculations going???

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