Again today in Luke 4:1-13 we find another contributing factor preceding Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. First we saw that Jesus had just been baptized and had experienced a highly emotional and spiritual experience. Then we saw that He was alone. Today we are looking at the fact that he had not eaten for 40 days.
Hunger. My Black Lab was very possessive of his food and especially his bones and treats. If I were to caption this picture, it would be I dare you to try and take this from me

When those hunger pangs come—and they come at all times of the day and sometimes night—what do you do? If you’re at home, you might head to the kitchen for something to quiet the rumbling. At work if you’re able, you might reach in the desk drawer for a snack or head to a vending machine. If you’re out running errands, your favorite fast food place might call your name. Rarely do we ignore our stomachs when they alert us that they need food.
Physical. Hunger like other things affects us in many ways. Some of us need food fairly quickly or we get a headache, upset stomach, or even pass out. Fasting for 12 hours for a blood test is about my max. I can’t imagine how Jesus could go for 40 DAYS without eating. He had to have been dragging by the end of the fast. However, in John’s Gospel after Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, we see a glimpse into how He was nourished:
But Jesus replied, “I have a kind of food you know nothing about.”
“Did someone bring him food while we were gone?”
the disciples asked each other. Then Jesus explained:
“My nourishment comes from doing the will of God,
who sent me, and from finishing his work.”
John 4:32-34
Emotional. When I don’t eat right or enough or regularly, it affects my emotions. I don’t think clearly and have on occasion turned into a bear because I needed food. That has only happened a couple of times because now I’m aware of it and don’t allow myself to reach that point. Jesus had a lot on His mind. He knew what the Father’s plan was for Him and He needed to focus on that.
Reactional. When my stomach growls and interruptions detain me from getting food, I have to take deep breaths and restrain myself from allowing human nature to take over and be unkind or unloving or impatient. Have you been there??? It would be easy for us to be tempted to assert our desire for food and place it before all other demands, but is that the reaction Jesus had? No. Jesus had a human body just like ours. I’m sure His stomach growled and it affected His physical body and emotions, but He allowed the Spirit to control Him and never lashed out at someone due to hunger or lack of sleep.
Temptation is just like hunger pangs. It presents itself in all kinds of ways to get our attention. It wants to be heard, seen, and satisfied. Stay alert to the signs of temptation around the corner. Don’t allow hunger or lack of sleep suck you in. Don’t give in. Give it up to Jesus. Ask Him for strength to withstand and move onward and upward, trusting Him for victory.
Next we’ll look at each of the three temptations Satan threw at Jesus and how He responded.
Lord, when those hunger pangs of temptation strike, help me be strong and resist those impulses to give in. Give me strength and desire to stand up against temptation.
- Week 1 – temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering, pain, and struggles
- Easter – resurrection and salvation