In Luke 4:1-13 there are three specific temptations that Satan threw at Jesus along with His response. Today we’ll look at the second one.
The tempter. Who else? The Devil! He thought he was pretty smart, powerful, strong, and authoritative. In his statement to Jesus, he said “I will give you…I can give it…” But it was not in Satan’s power or authority to give. The kingdoms of the world, the beauty, the high places, and everything in creation do not belong to Satan. So he could not give something that wasn’t his in the first place. It sounded good to him, but he wasn’t using his brain properly or he would have realized his limitations.

Secondly, the world and everything in it was already God’s and thus belonged to Jesus as well. It was an error on Satan’s part to offer something that wasn’t his. Jesus knew who He was and Whose He was, so the “generous” offer from Satan didn’t hold any desire or promise for Jesus who already had everything that belongs to God.
The doubt. Satan was either fishing or doubting. After showing his pride and ignorance in offering the world to Jesus, he tacked on the IF clause: “IF you will worship me”. Satan must have still had doubts that he could really sidetrack Jesus from His mission in life, but he was trying. Satan’s own temptation was that he was puffed up with pride and was hoping to add a feather in his hat, so to speak, if Jesus would just succumb to this temptation.
The temptation. The offer of glory and authority over the kingdoms of the world might have been a viable option for anyone else who was looking for self-glory. But for Jesus to whom they already belonged, this did not even cause Him to give it a thought.
“If you will worship me.” Everything comes with a price. Sure you can have the latest and greatest car, house, or appliance, but is the price tag worth it when the bill comes?! The temptation Satan placed in front of Jesus may have sounded pliable to anyone else until you get to the IF. Worship is meant for God alone. Just think… If Jesus had given in to this temptation to worship Satan, He not only would have lost the glory and authority over the kingdoms of the world that were already His, but it would have changed the whole course of the world and eternity! When temptation taps you on the shoulder, pause and think about the ramifications if you would give in.
The response. Jesus once again responded to Satan with Scripture! “It is written… ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.’” Jesus had a relationship with His Heavenly Father and knew Him in a personal way. He wouldn’t have given that up for anything. Are we that dedicated to our Savior? Or are we tempted to turn to other things and turn our back on the One who died for us?
Short and firm. Again, Jesus was short and firm. He told Satan what Scripture says. End of subject for Him. Jesus had nothing more to say to Satan. That’s the way we need to be when Satan tempts us. Just speak God’s Word and then walk away. The longer we tarry, the stronger the temptation will become.
Takeaway. Only God is to be worshipped. Never allow other things or people to have your worship nor to get in the way of your worship of God.
Lord, I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You. Keep me focused on You and You alone.
- Week 1– temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering, pain, and struggles
- Easter – resurrection and salvation