“Be kind and helpful to one another,
tender-hearted [compassionate, understanding],
forgiving one another [readily and freely],
just as God in Christ also forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32, AMP
God’s love is compassionate. God knows what we need when we need it. I was away from home and missing my cat so when I entered the guest room, I had to smile to see this huge stuffed bear sitting next to the bed. As I sat on the bed reading, I didn’t realize it was starting to tip over towards me. The next thing I knew it was leaning against me as if to comfort me. That made me smile and made my day!
Tenderhearted. The word compassionate has many synonyms or words that mean the same thing. Tenderhearted is one of them which is defined as having a kind and gentle spirit. A person with a tender heart will quickly and freely be evident when they see a need that they can meet. They are sensitive to the heart and emotions of other people and come alongside them gently so as not to cause them more hurt, but instead bring them the love and comfort of Jesus.
Caring and Concerned. Compassionate people are ones who care about people and are concerned for their well-being. They not only say they are concerned, but show it with their words and actions. Jesus had compassion for all kinds of people—the sick, the disabled, those who were hungry, the outcasts of society, and the oppressed. If He had compassion on people with those descriptors, surely He has compassion for you and I as well. His compassion is unconditional and complete. There was and is no end to His compassion for all of creation (including our pets). His care and concern prompted Him to act—feeding, healing, comforting, encouraging, and lifting up the fallen.
Understanding. Jesus understands us better than any other person can or ever will. He knows things we humans don’t and can better assess our whole situation. Some people say they understand, but really they don’t if they’ve never been in your shoes. Others who have had similar situations in life do understand to a point. But No One Understands Like Jesus…listen to this great old hymn that has always comforted me when I had moments when I felt like no one cared about me.
Sympathetic and Empathetic. These two words are related and yet different, but with Jesus, they’re one and the same. Sympathy has a pity aspect to it while empathy displays our understanding and compassion. A quote on the internet best describes it: “Empathy is our ability to understand how someone feels while sympathy is our relief in not having the same problems.” Which do you lean more towards when you see or learn of another in trouble or in a tough situation? I believe Jesus leaned more towards empathy.
Showing. “To be compassionate is to feel deeply for another person as they experience the ups and downs associated with life. To be compassionate is to not just tell someone that you care, but also to show them that you care by being there before they even ask for it.” says Brenna Smith in a composition. It’s easy to show someone we care when life is good and we’re on the same page, but what about when our friend goes down a path they should never be on or walks away and lets us clueless as to what happened. Be there for them regardless what happens.
Forgiving. We’ve talked about forgiveness in this Lent series, so just to remind us, in this verse forgiving freely and readily is part of being compassionate. Without forgiveness, compassion doesn’t hold water, so to speak. God forgave and still forgives us, and so we need to forgive others if we are going to be compassionate as He is. How can one show compassion to someone they haven’t forgiven? I’d like to see that!
What will you do? Now that you have a slightly broader view of compassion, what will you do with it? There are tons of individuals and groups of people in this world who need tenderhearted, caring, concerned, understanding, sympathy, empathy, and forgiving compassion demonstrated for them. Take a few moments and think about how you could demonstrate compassion to those you come in contact with and even those you don’t know. There are many organizations who deliver medical, physical, mental, and emotional care to those in need. Could you go and help? Or could you support one of these organizations?
Are you compassionate? Do you want people to be compassionate to you? It works both ways.
Another characteristic of God’s love for us coming up in the next post.
Lord, You are so compassionate and show me a great example to follow. Help me to be willing to step out and show that compassion to others.
- Week 1 –temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering, pain, and struggles
- Easter – resurrection and salvation