My cat has always been an indoor only cat. When I had a house, there was a screened-in porch she could go out on and we both loved to be out there. But when I moved into an apartment, we didn’t have that luxury. So she would sit on the windowsill when I went out on the deck, watching me, and waiting for me to come inside to her. She didn’t think it was fair that I could go outside but she couldn’t…a matter of perspective. LOL
Yesterday we talked about some things we wait for in this life. Today we’ll refocus on waiting from God’s perspective. His timeline isn’t the same as ours (see 2 Peter 3:8–9). Waiting is difficult and not our favorite thing to do, but it is a necessary part of God’s plan. Let’s take a look.
Wait on the Lord.
“Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
Psalm 27:14, NLT
When you’re waiting for someone to get ready to go somewhere, what is the usual prompt? Hurry up! Waiting on the Lord involves a patient, confident trust, and sometimes bravery and courage. It can’t be hurried. It’s easier to wait when it’s quiet and comfortable and we have someone to keep us company, but that isn’t always the case.
As I sat alone last week too sick to get up and go to the store for meds, I reminded myself it could be worse, and that I needed to wait until someone could help me. I must admit, though, that at other times I’m saying Lord, could You please move a little faster on my request?! As I said, patience is not one of my best qualities, but I constantly work on it and reign it in when needed.
Wait on God to act.
“Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper
or fret about their wicked schemes.”
Psalm 37:7, NLT
We get impatient and frustrated when we see wrongdoing and people getting away with it. But justice will prevail. We just need to wait and let God work out the details. Don’t worry! He won’t let evil prosper forever. David often wrote and reminded God that he was being chased for no fault of his own at times, and that his enemies were catching up with him. God told him to be still and let Him take care of things. He tells us that, too. If we push ahead and try to speed up the process, God might very well put the brakes on and delay our answers even further. God doesn’t do this out of vengeance or to be cruel, but if we try to get our answer too quickly, it may not be best for us.
Wait for answered prayer.
“I was patient while I waited for the Lord.
He turned to me and heard my cry for help.”
Psalm 40:1, NiRV
How long do you wait after you pray before you expect an answer? God hears us as soon as we pray but sometimes delays His answers. If you expect an instant answer and don’t get it, don’t give up. I read a quote one time that I’ve never forgotten. Don’t give up praying. You never know when your answer might be just around the corner. If your answer is around the corner, you won’t see it from afar if there are buildings or other things in the path, but when you get to the corner and look, it might be there waiting for you if you don’t give up. God’s timing is always best.
Wait for Jesus’ return.
“Dear brothers and sisters,
be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return.
Consider the farmers who patiently wait
for the rains in the fall and in the spring.
They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.
You, too, must be patient.
Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.”
James 5:7–8, NLT
Just as today, in the early church there were many who were persecuted and martyred and they were anxious for the Lord to come back again quickly and save them from the pain and torture they found themselves in. This world is a mess even more so today, and I often pray, Lord Jesus, please come quickly. James uses farmers as an example here. They wait for rain and the right conditions for their crops to grow. So we need to be patient and wait for the Lord’s return. He has a lot to do before He returns and the timing and conditions must not be ready yet or He would have already returned.
Tomorrow we’ll transition to talking about the anxiety that comes along with waiting.
Lord, as I wait on You, help me to learn the lessons You are trying to teach me in the waiting. Help me look for the promises and blessings that come with waiting on You.
- Week 1 – temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering (W), pain (T), and struggles (F-S), rejoicing (Palm Sunday), Trials (M-T-W), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Silent Saturday
- Easter – resurrection and salvation