I loved having flower gardens but this one was a real pain both literally and figuratively! It was a fairly steep bank that had never been tended to properly. Prickly thistle overran it along with the roots of pine trees and Old English Ivy that had outgrown its beauty. It took a long time to get this garden looking this nice but even then it was hard to keep weeded despite using weed prevention tactics. It caused even more pain to my back from bending over and stretching.
What causes you pain in life? Maybe it’s a person, a job, a project, or a situation. We can do some things to alleviate some kinds of pain, but for others there is nothing we can do. Some pain is temporary such as a needle for an injection or drawing blood, but other pain lasts longer such as recovery from surgery or a broken arm or leg.
Jesus experienced all kinds of pain in His last days on earth. Today we’re going to look at the types of pain Jesus experienced.
Emotional. Jesus faced more emotional pain in a short amount of time than many of us do in a lifetime.
- Misunderstood. Jesus came to save the world but the world didn’t believe in Him.
- Rejection. He was rejected by those He came to save.
- Betrayed. One of His own close friends betrayed Him with a kiss meant to show love.
- Deserted. At the peak of His emotional pain, His own Disciples deserted Him.
- Alone. He was alone in His darkest hours when the emotional pain of what was and was to come pressed in on Him.
- Mocked/verbal abuse. He was mocked with cruel retorts and verbal abuse.
- Accused. Jesus was wrongly accused and bore the brunt of it for us.
- Humiliated. He was displayed publicly with little to cover His physical body.
Physical. I’m going to get really specific here. We too often gloss over all the minor details and go right to the big picture.
- Handcuffed. It wasn’t the kind of handcuffs we think of today. His hands were tied with rope probably similar to rough rope such as used on a ranch. It was tied or knotted tightly so He couldn’t slip out of it. The rope most likely rubbed His wrists raw causing blisters and painful sores.
- Stripped of clothing. Nights can get rather chilly as noted by the Scriptures that tell us Peter stood by a fire to warm himself. But Jesus was stripped of His beautiful robe right down to His loincloth (“undies”). No sandals to protect His feet. No robe to keep Him warm. His whole body was on display.
- Blindfolded. As of Jesus didn’t have enough going through His mind, then He was blindfolded while the soldiers hit Him and taunted Him.
- Crown of thorns. Thorns just pricking you when you bump into one is bad enough, but now the soldiers were pressing a crown of thorns into His head, puncturing the scalp and causing more pain as they continued their “sport” of verbal abuse.
- Whip. A leather whip would have been bad enough, but the one they used on Jesus had pieces of broken glass, lead, and other objects that were designed to rip into the objects it touched which in this case was Jesus’ back, arms, and legs. It hurt when it hit, but then when they pulled back on the whip, it ripped through the skin and caused welts and severe bleeding, not to mention infection setting in.
- The cross. There was no pity for Jesus’ hurting body. Though His body was already racked with pain from all He’d already endured, the soldiers made Him carry His own cross on the road to Golgotha. There was no padding for His body to protect Him from this heavy, splintery, dirty piece of wood, possibly nails in it sticking through where the cross pieces were nailed together. So the splinters would have rubbed into the open sores of Jesus along with the blood that was running down Jesus’ face.
- The nails and the hammer. These were not tiny roofing nails or penny nails, but huge spikes like that used on railroad ties. It is said that Jesus did not fight the soldiers who threw Him down on the cross and reached for the nails and the hammer to drive them through His hands and feet. It’s a wonder He didn’t pass out right then and there like I would have!
- Inability to breathe properly. When the cross was raised up and plunked into the hole that awaited the cross, it became extremely difficult for Jesus to breathe. To learn more about the medical/physical aspects of the last hours of Jesus, click here.
- Loss of blood, cramps, dehydration. With all that Jesus experienced in physical pain, it’s amazing that He could still think and speak as He did to the two thieves, John, and His Father.
I’m sure there are other aspects I haven’t mentioned, but this is enough to hopefully help you to see all that Jesus went through for you! Will you commit yourself to Jesus today? For help in making that commitment, click here.
Lord, thank You so much for being willing to go through all that excruciating pain for me. I love You and want to live for You from this day forth. Come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, and wash me clean so that I can live with You for all eternity.
- Week 1 – temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering (W), pain (T), and struggles (F-S), rejoicing (Palm Sunday), Trials (M-T-W), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Silent Saturday
- Easter – resurrection and salvation