He is Risen! Listen to the story in song here.
Try this response on Easter:
When someone says: Christ is risen!
Respond with: He is risen indeed!
“But the angel said to the women,
‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus,
who was crucified. He isn’t here,
for He has risen, as He said.
Come see the place where He lay.
Then go quickly and tell His disciples
that He has risen from the dead,
and behold, He is going before you to Galilee;
there you’ll see Him. See, I have told you’”
Matthew 28:5-7
Angel. Jesus’ birth was announced by an angel, so it is fitting that an angel now at the end of His life makes the announcement that He is risen. The angel knew there would be some of His followers looking for Him at the tomb sooner or later so he hung around and waited so he could tell them the good news.
Story. The angel told the women the story in a nutshell. I know you’re looking for Jesus. He was crucified, died, and buried, but He is not here. He is risen. He didn’t stop with just the facts. He knew the women would want to see for themselves, so he invited them into the tomb to see where Jesus had been lying. Once they saw that He was gone, the angel told them to hurry and tell the rest of His disciples and followers what they saw and what he told them. Oh, and be sure to tell them that Jesus will meet them in Galilee just like He told them.
Excitement. The silence of yesterday turned rather quickly into excitement as the women saw and heard what happened. They were beside themselves with joy and anticipation of being able to see their Savior again. I can imagine the angel saying, Get going and spread the news! because they probably stood there for a few minutes in awe and wonder.
Go tell. The task assigned to the women was to go and tell. Our task is the same. We’ve been through a lot of learning and thinking these last six weeks of the season of Lent. What are you going to do with it? I pray that it doesn’t just go in one eye/ear and out the other, but that you will share it with others. He is risen! What better news can we share with anyone?! If you missed any of the Lent posts or want to start from the beginning, go to the archives to post # 19 for the first one.
Salvation. The whole point of the story of Jesus and of Easter is that Jesus came into the world as a baby, lived a sinless life, shared and taught, and went through such suffering and pain on the cross so that you and I can have our sins forgiven, be cleansed, have fellowship with Him and eternal life in Heaven. That is something I wouldn’t want to live here without and definitely would not want to die without. I want to know that when I die I will live with Jesus in Heaven for all eternity, and I know I will. How about you? Do you know the risen Christ? You can. The victory Jesus had over death can be ours when we believe, trust Him as our Savior, and ask Him to forgive our sins. If you haven’t done that, I pray you will do that today on this Resurrection Sunday. What better day than to accept Him into your life and be assured of the promise of eternal life?!
Lord, thank You once again for Your love, Your mercy, Your grace, and Your forgiveness. I believe and trust in You. Make me bold as I go out and share You with others.
Come back in a couple of days and watch for more posts on God’s perfect peace and other related topics.