When I started my blog in January, I never realized there were so many aspects and attributes to peace. This week a new one presented itself to me…not new in general or in concept, but a new realization for me. Rest in peace. We hear that at funerals but it became a reality for my 16-year companion cat, Joy. Her quality of life has been going downhill since she became deaf about 2 years ago, and though I miss her terribly already, I had to be merciful and let her go on before me to wait for me at Heaven’s gates. It was a very difficult decision to make. Her sad eyes looking at me, pleading, and her meows of discomfort were breaking my heart. As I sat in the vet’s office holding Joy for the last time, I hugged her, comforted her, and whispered in my heart rest in peace until I see you again.
I know some people do not believe pets will be in Heaven, but I do. Why else would God create animals if He didn’t intend to take care of them for eternity? If you’ve never read Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven, it’s an awesome read. In it he talks about this very subject as well as all the other things we will experience in Heaven—all based on Scripture. It changed my whole perspective of Heaven when I read it a few years ago.
I’ve written a rather long post on my blog in memory of Joy and you can read the complete post here. I just want to share an excerpt from the end below.
“It felt like she was holding on for me even though she was hurting, and I didn’t want her to suffer or struggle on my account. I wanted what was best for her. I know how it is when I don’t feel well and struggle to get up and get something to eat or get a shower or even talk to anyone. It’s no fun, takes all your energy, and is not the way I would want to live the rest of my life. The Bible tells us to be merciful to others if we want to be shown mercy, and as I meditated on that, I knew it was time to give her up and put her down.
“So my beautiful, soft, loving Joy, go to sleep peacefully, rest in peace, enjoy the eternal rest you’ve earned by being such a loving, faithful companion to me here, and I’ll see you on the other side to share eternity with you. Until then…”
When we talk about resting in peace, it has a very comforting, relaxing, almost ethereal feeling to it. Yes, ethereal which means extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. Picture a clear, calm day in the sun, no distractions like phones, radios, or people. You just sink into a comfortable chair and feel yourself relaxing. Then you close your eyes and drift away into a peaceful sleep, no cares in the world, just a calming, restful, peaceful time. I think that is what resting in peace would be like, and it definitely will be peace when we rest in Jesus’ arms as He carries us into eternity with Him. That kind of peace is definitely too perfect for this world! Those kind of restful times with no distractions come to an end all too quickly, but when we rest in peace in eternity, there will not be an end. It will be an ongoing way of life.
“As for you, go your way until the end.
You will rest, and then at the end of the days,
you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you.”
Daniel 12:13, NLT
There is an eternal peace and rest but there are stipulations. You need to be one of God’s children and follow Godly paths. Then when you die, you will rest in peace. Clergy speaking platitudes or even Scripture over a deceased person is not what gives them eternal peaceful rest. So don’t wait until you or a loved one is on your death bed to establish a relationship with the Lord. Do it while you can so you will be ready to take that rest in peace when the time comes because the other direction you’ll want to avoid is not rest and not peaceful.
“For those who follow godly paths
will rest in peace when they die.”
Isaiah 57:2, NLT
I hope to see you on the other side to share eternity with you. Until then…rest in peace.