Who remembers the old TV game show “Truth or Consequences”? While we don’t know what animals are thinking since they can’t talk to us, I liked to imagine what my cat might be thinking. Sometimes she gave me that look that seemed to say I dare you…to move me!
“What sorrow awaits my rebellious children,”
says the Lord.
“You make plans that are contrary to mine.
You make alliances not directed by my Spirit,
thus piling up your sins.”
Isaiah 30:1, NLT
In II Chronicles 20:35-37, King Jehoshaphat of Judah made an alliance with King Ahaziah of Israel, who was very wicked. A prophet told Jehoshaphat, “Because you have allied yourself with King Ahaziah, the Lord will destroy your work.” So the ships met with disaster and never put out to sea.” That was definitely truth or consequences! Jehoshaphat did not align himself with truth and suffered the consequences.
Paul told the Corinthians that bad company corrupts good character. That still holds true today. Sometimes young people think they can hang out with friends who don’t hold to the same moral and spiritual guidelines that they do, but soon find themselves getting swept away by the company they keep and their good character becomes tainted. Does that sound a little like Adam and Eve and the serpent? No I don’t think that’s stretching the truth at all. They were all in the same Garden and were talking together. If Eve hadn’t hung around and listened to the serpent, she might not have gotten caught up with his lies and then passed them on to Adam. It’s in the company you keep.
“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things,
for “bad company corrupts good character.”
I Corinthians 15:33, NLT
While we often want to think some things in life are gray, I’m a black-and-white person. It’s either OK or it isn’t. So when I hear, see, read, or watch something, my mind is conscientiously processing it and running it through the filter of God’s truth. For instance, this morning I heard something on Christian radio and it sounded good. It happened to be a song, but I’m not going to get into what type of music it was because that’s irrelevant. What is important is the truth, the message, and what’s behind it.
I’d heard this particular song dozens if not hundreds of times before, liked it, and even worshipped God through it. But I know there are lots of false teachings out there and so I like to step back and do a little research. I want to make sure that what I am listening to adheres to Scripture, has a solid message, and that the person who wrote it and sings it is a good conduit of God’s truths. In this particular song, I was disappointed to find that it is aligned with a church that has a bad reputation and does not hold to the inerrant Word of God.
The words of a song may sound good, but we need to do more than just give voice to the words and enjoy the music. Let me ask you a question… When you find a product you like (a book, a toiletry, a line of clothing), do you not look for other items by the same author or company? Why? Because you like the one you have experienced. When you hear a song you like, do you not hop onto YouTube and see what other songs there are by the same person? You’re hooked! The author has your attention. But when you listen to the next song or message, are you really paying attention to the words? Are you hearing and processing the words to see if they hold to the truth of God’s Word? That’s check one.
Check two is looking up the author or group. Who are they aligned with? In other words, where do they attend church? Do they share a platform or agenda with anyone, and if so, what are their beliefs? Years ago I attended a concert of one of my favorite singers but as I wasn’t then aware is the norm, another singer and group preceded them on stage to open the concert and I was very disappointed in that group.
Who we spend time with rubs off on us and affects our thoughts and personality. So digging a little into music, speakers, and even churches before supporting them enthusiastically should be our due diligence. My personal rule of thumb is that if I find anything that doesn’t align with God’s Word or the person or group shares “stage” with someone who promotes false teachings…then I immediately stop listening to anything by that person or group. That may sound narrow-minded to some, but think about it. If Eve had stopped listening to the serpent in the beginning, this world wouldn’t be in the mess it is in today! What she did trickled down through history, and what we do trickles down to those who come after us. Are we allowing wrong to keep on or are we filtering it out? Truth promotes good but evil brings consequences.