There’s an old saying that To find a prince you got to kiss some toads. I can’t say that I ever kissed any toads, but then I didn’t get a prince either.
Today I want to talk about the Prince of Peace, Jesus, as He is referred to in the Gospels. Jesus often disturbed the peace rather than smoothing over things to keep peace. He spoke the truth when truth was what was needed, not caring about His own safety. He did this because he came to bring true shalom, not superficial peace. His peace is “name brand”, not generic or store brand. I’m OK with generic or store brand on some items, but not everything. Sometimes they just don’t cut it and I need the name brand. Jesus is the only one who can bring true “name brand” peace.
As Christians who belong to God, we need to have integrity and do what is right regardless of what others may think. We need to aim for real peace, not the name brand that only hints at peace. For peace to reign in us, we need to experience all that God has for us.
“And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6b, NIV
When do you usually hear that verse? Probably at Christmastime when we talk about Jesus coming to earth and the names He will be given as referenced in Isaiah long before Jesus was born. Jesus didn’t come into the world as a prince would, though. He came into the world in a dirty old stable of animals. But isn’t that so symbolic? He came into the world to save sinners who were full of dirt and sin, so why wouldn’t He come into a dirty stable? If He had come to minister to princes and men of social status, He might have come into a pristine castle and been attended by socialites rather than a teen mother, carpenter father, and shepherds.
Tranquility is one aspect of peace. This world is definitely not full of tranquility, but the Prince of Peace came to bring tranquility to the hearts and minds of those who accept and believe in Him. When I think of tranquil, I picture a lake with still, calm water, nothing moving, looking like a sea of glass. Tranquil is the opposite of turbulence. Turbulence reminds me of the harsh ripples in the ocean after a speedboat zooms by, churning up the water. When the turbulence is over, tranquility can once again be seen and felt, but many times it takes a long while for the storm to pass by and calmness to descend again.
“Tranquility is a sense of peace and quiet. It is the feeling you have while sitting under a starry sky, listening to the crickets. The aura of tranquility comes from the calm in the world, which makes you feel you are without a care in the world.”
from https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/tranquillity
If you’re a camper, that word picture soothes your spirit. For me, it’s sitting quietly on my porch swing staring up into the clouds on a clear evening when the noise of lawn mowers and vehicles have died down for the day, or walking through the woods at sunset when the birds and animals are settling down for the night and their chatter ceases.
Webster says peaceful implies a state of repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil. That’s a perfect picture of Jesus resting in the grave after the turmoil of Holy Week and the pain and agony He went through for us to have His perfect peace.
Countries can be at war with each other and yet talk about pledging peace and tranquility, but often it it is all talk or that they are saying that because they’re both at odds with another country. That is not true peace and tranquility. Countries and governments can produce a sense of peace at times, but it will never be a truly lasting peace until our Prince of Peace comes and sends evil away and reigns over the world with a true sense of Godly peace because He is our Prince of Peace.
“Now may the Lord of peace Himself
give you His peace
at all times and in every situation.
The Lord be with you all.”
II Thessalonians 3:16, NLT
Peace can be transient and temporary unless it’s from the Prince of Peace Himself. His peace is there for us all the time, no matter what comes our way. Do you know the Prince of Peace? Do you have His peace in your heart? You can…just ask Him…and don’t let anything steal it away from you.