“Because of the Lord’s great love
we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV

God’s love is merciful.  Mama rabbit was merciful to her baby bunnies.  She burrowed a hole through the ground and underneath a window well against our church’s basement.  She wanted to protect them from other animals that would prey on them because she loves them.

What is mercy?  One article I read calls it God’s patience in action.”  I like that definition.  I think of patience as stillness, like being patient while waiting for your turn at the store or the doctor’s office.  But this definition indicates patience as an action.  God in His mercy gives us what we don’t deserve.

What does mercy look like?  God’s mercy is evident in salvation, forgiveness, protection, provision, warnings, conviction, discipline, calling, worship, transformation, and in so many other ways.  Remember, mercy shows up when we least deserve it. 

What do we deserve?  We are sinful people through and through.  Even the best of us is still sinful at times.  For me, it’s usually the things I think and sometimes let slip out—not horrible bad things, but thoughts that if certain people knew what I was thinking, they would be surprised.  I deserve God’s judgement and chastisement, but He is a loving, compassionate, and merciful God who listens to my heart and hears my confession when those thoughts come.

Is it too late?  It’s never too late to go to God as long as we have life and breath in us.  The writer of Lamentations tells us that we are not consumed.  When I think of being consumed, one picture is of a fire consuming everything in its path, gone, destroyed, blackened, never to come back to life again.  But there is another picture of being consumed.  Many people are consumed with worry, debt, and all kinds of temporal things that we were never meant to be consumed with.  Why not?  God’s love never fails.  He won’t fail us in our time of need.

Jeremiah, the writer of Lamentations, experienced God’s faithfulness firsthand.  God tells His people over and over again that if they don’t obey, punishment will follow.  But God also promises future restoration and blessing when we repent.  Jeremiah knew that his God would keep His promises because He is faithful.

When do we need mercy?  This verse was the favorite of a good friend of mine, and he’d quote it almost every time I saw him.  We need God’s mercy every single day, no exception.  Do you know the best part?  His mercy is not like yesterday’s stale bread.  It is new every morning!  There’s nothing like fresh homemade bread slathered with creamy butter and if you’re predisposed to sweet things, a little jelly or jam.  God’s mercy is like that, fresh and new every day.  He doesn’t remember what happened yesterday once it’s forgiven or that He already gave us mercy.  He gives us more mercy fresh from His stockpile in Heaven, and He doesn’t just give us a small scoop—He shovels it onto us!

He is faithful!  My absolute favorite hymn is Great is Thy Faithfulness and has been for many, many years!  God is faithful in so many ways.  Think today about how He has been faithful to you as you click on the link and listen to the hymn.  He has never abandoned me.   He loves me.  He forgives me.  He protects me.  He provides for me.  …just to name a few.  Can you say the same?  What would your list of ways God has been faithful to you look like?  Let a comment so we can rejoice together in God’s mercy and faithfulness.

Another new day.  I am so thankful to have a fresh new day every morning.  Sometimes when I go to bed at night I’m really tired or I’ve had a frustrating day or know I’m going to be busy the next day.  Arising to a fresh new day and remembering God’s new mercies for the day gives me strength to get up and get going to serve Him one more day.

In the next post we’ll talk about yet another characteristic of God’s love for us. 

Lord, You are so merciful to Your children and to me. I do not deserve Your love and mercy, but You give it freely. Thank You so much. I am so blessed.

  • Week 1 – temptation
  • Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
  • Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
  • Week 4 – God’s love for us
  • Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
  • Week 6 – suffering, pain, and struggles
  • Easter – resurrection and salvation