When and where do you feel peace the most?  For me it’s first thing in the morning before the distractions of phone, email, and other things vie for my attention.  I love to watch both sunrises and sunsets and enjoy them for as long as I can.  They are calming and a good reminder of God’s creating our world with day and night.

Today I want to talk about the words of a song by Edward Henry Bickersteth which I’ve known for years.  The Lord brought it to my mind this morning while I was having my devotions.  I know I am as guilty as anyone of just listening to the music or singing the words without really thinking about them, but this morning when I searched for it online and really listened to the words, it spoke to me.  So listen to “Peace, Perfect Peace”  here and then we’ll talk about the words. 

1 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?

The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

2 Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?

To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.

3 Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?

Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.

4 Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?

Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.

5 It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease,

and Jesus call to heaven’s perfect peace.


The first line of the first four verses asks a question, but the second line of each verse answers the question.  Then verse 5 sums it all up by telling us that one day all the things that rob us of peace will be over and gone as we meet Jesus in Heaven and enjoy the perfect peace He’s prepared for us there.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t have perfect peace here on earth. 

1 – Sometimes it seems like this world is so full of sin, sorrow, and trouble that there’s no peace to be found.  Accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, shootings—all because of a sin-cursed world.  These things tug at our heart and threaten any peace we do have.

2 – The duties of the day call us.  Go to work…pick up the kids at soccer…get to that meeting on time…do the mountain of laundry…prepare the meal and clean up…fix those things on the honey-do list…and on it goes.  Sometimes we are so busy that we don’t even make time to talk to the Lord and read His Word.

3 – You get that call you hope you never do that a loved one has a terminal illness or died.  The peace seems to fly right out the window in such times of distress—at least initially.  God can use those times and situations, though, to bring us closer to Him as well as to help others.

4 – Unknowns!  Wow, I sure know about them over the years!  Losing jobs and not knowing when you’ll have another paycheck…loved ones moving away and not knowing when you’ll see them again…having dreams crushed and trying to pick up the pieces and move on…  I don’t know what your unknown is, but whatever our unknowns are to us, they are known to God and if we trust Him through those unknowns, He will show us the way and meet our needs.

5 – It is enough.  I’ve often said that…enough already!  Have you?  I know that earth’s struggles will one day be over, and I’m looking forward to that day when my body doesn’t have limitations, my mind is clear, and my heart isn’t being ripped to shreds at every turn.

“You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in You,
all whose thoughts are fixed on You!”

Isaiah 26:3

So how can we find that peace, perfect peace in the midst of this dark world, duties, death, unknowns, and struggles?  Look at the second line of each verse.  Jesus’ blood whispers peace because His work was finished on the cross.  When we are doing His will, we will experience more peace than when we are so busy with everything else on our plate that we put Him on the back burner.  Remember that Jesus has already won the victory and has conquered the grave so no matter what happens in sickness and dying, He is there to meet us and comfort us.  He is on the throne and has control of our lives and everything in this world.  When our time on earth is over and He has accomplished His plan in this world, He will call us to Heaven to spend eternity with Him.

Trust in God and fix your thoughts on Him!  That’s the way to find perfect peace.  If you don’t have that perfect peace, just ask the Holy Spirit for His comfort and peace that only He can give, and rest in His loving care.  God bless and have a peaceful day!