Author: perfectpeace Page 12 of 13

I am a born again Bible-believing Christian on their way to Heaven. I've had a lot of bumps in the road but God has always been there with me. I'm a divorcee, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, mother-in-law, and friend to many. Most of my life was spent in the working world as a secretary, receptionist, or other office worker, as well as 10 years as a stay-at-home secretarial services business. Now I'm retired and enjoying the free time to do what I want which includes loving on my cat Joy, serving at my church, reading, writing (when the inspiration comes), and spending time with family and friends.

16 Must I?

Just like any good mom, I often had to tell my kids to say they’re sorry to each other or to someone else.  If you know kids, their response was usually Do I have to? OR Must I?

My two kids loved each other when they were little, but oh the sibling rivalry as they grew up!  Must I love other people?  What if I don’t want to?  What if it was an option or a choice to love your parents, spouse, or other family member?  Would you—ALWAYS?

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.
Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

John 13:34-35

The child’s reluctance to apologize is based on selfishness.  He did something to me or she took my toy.   Loving is based on desire to put the other person first. I love him so I’m going to forgive and forget our argument ever happened. When the two come into conflict with each other, human nature says selfishness will win out.   But love will be the victor when God’s love is propelling us on.  He commands us to love each other just as He has loved us.  This love shines bright and clear through all the dinginess of this world and lets everyone around us know that we belong to Him.

I had an inner discussion with myself just today, not about love, but about must I?  I was sitting so comfortable in my rocker with my cat curled up on my lap keeping me warm.  It was cold outside.  I knew I needed to get out there and walk.  But I didn’t want to.  I was too comfortable.  I asked myself must I?  My desire to be comfortable lost out as I thought about the benefits of exercise and how I had already lost 18 pounds and didn’t want to gain it back.  Yes, I must! And I did. 

An inner conversation like that happens quite frequently with me.  I need to motivate myself to do what is right just like our motivation to love is generated by God with the end purpose of proving to the world that we are His disciples.  Do you need to have such a conversation today to get you motivated?  What better time than now with Valentine’s Day right around the corner!

15 More love

This all my prayer shall be:
More love, O Christ, to Thee

Is that your prayer?  Click on the picture above, sing along with the hymn, and make it your prayer.

If you have children or have opportunity to interact with them, I’m sure you’ve experienced their selfishness and unwillingness to share with others at times.  When one does share a little of what they have, the other isn’t satisfied.  They want more.

Contrast that with a grandmother who lavishes her time, attention, and love on her grandkids.  One hug or kiss isn’t enough.  She gives another and another…more love.  That’s what God wants from us…more love, more attention, more praise and glory for His Name.

I was reading some other articles and blogs on the internet, and one of them listed a series of “incredible things that happen when you give your heart to God”.  Guess what the first one was?  PEACE!  and another was that you experience real love.  Dear friends and readers, the two are definitely related.  Our love for God brings peace into our hearts and we can then experience all He has for us.  Don’t forget that three-letter word that’s so important:  ALL.  If we only give Him part of our love and attention, we won’t get the full effects of His love.  We must give God our full attention.  Dings and whistles and all kinds of notifications on our phones are good and very necessary in some cases.  I need that audible reminder when I have to get ready to go somewhere in case I fall asleep or get sidetracked.  But when I visit someone or have guests at my place, I prefer to silence my phone and that they would do the same.  If we are with someone, they deserve our full attention, not to be interrupted with distractions that can wait.  I want to give (and receive) more love, not less.  The distractions cause less, but focused attention gives more.

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.  Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.  But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  I John 4:7-8, NLT

Some of my relatives enjoy a little banter back and forth.  One says I love you.  The other says I love you more.  The first one comes back with But God loves us most.  None of us can top that.  Let’s give each other and God more love in this season of the year and always.

14 Gestures of love

I want to have a little fun with this post.  Think about the funniest, cutest, sweetest, or any other type of gesture of love that you’ve been the recipient of.  Then think of the gestures of love you’ve shown to others throughout your life.

“According to Gary Chapman, there are five love languages, alongside words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service.  For people with gifts as a love language, the act of giving a gift serves as a gesture of affection and care because it shows the person was thinking about you while you weren’t around and wanted to find a way to make you smile. The gift also becomes a physical token memorializing a moment, experience, or feeling.”  Click here for more explanation at the source of this quote.

I like that definition.  Last year I celebrated 70 years of life and enjoyed spending time with family and friends at a party.  I specified no gifts but received some anyway which is to be expected.  They ranged from books to gift cards to eat out.  But the best part was just having family and friends present and talking with them.

The story I like the most is what happened after I shared a gesture two years ago before Valentine’s Day, and I share it to give you an idea how you can bless someone else.  There was someone in my neighborhood who was always complaining.  As I was praying about the situation, the Lord impressed on me that I was to buy her a box of Valentine candy.  My initial thought was, it would be my luck she’d be allergic to something in it and complain more.  But I obeyed what the Lord told me to do, bought the candy and placed an unsigned note and tract with it at her door.  A day or so later she came to my door and wanted to know if I was the giver.  I don’t like to lie and can’t keep a straight face if I tried, so I finally said yes.  What that did was open the door to tears and sharing on her part, understanding on my part, and a hug.  You never know what God can do with a small gesture of love.

So what was your memory of gestures of love?  Is it something that you can pass on to someone else?  You may not think it’s much, but it’s worth the time and effort to brighten someone else’s life.  With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, here are some suggestions if you need one:

  • Flowers from your garden this Summer
  • Homegrown vegetables from your garden
  • Wood carving if that’s your hobby
  • Handmade craft item
  • Even a Dollar Store knick-knack – After all, it’s the thought that counts!  (I love them!)
  • Candy (Find out their favorite and make sure there are no allergies to nuts!)
  • Jewelry
  • Gift cards
  • Spa Day
  • IOU to babysit
  • IOU to change the oil in their car
  • Wash their car
  • Mow their grass
  • Weed the flower gardens
  • Run errands
  • Any good deed that will free up the other person to relax

All of these suggestions show your love and care for that special person, and they will appreciate it so much.  There’s a few days left until Valentine’s Day.  Don’t let the moment slip away.  If God is speaking to you, get a move on and show love to others.  More love tomorrow…

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have,
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16, ESV

13 Kinds of love

Depending who you ask, there are as many as 12 different kinds of love.  In the Biblical context, however, there are basically three which will be the topic of this post.

Eros refers to physical or sexual love. The word eros was commonly used in the Greek-speaking world of New Testament times.  This is not a bad kind of love unless it is misused or misplaced such as before marriage.  Within marriage it can be a wonderful experience and brings two people who love each other into a closer and more intimate relationship.

Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.
Hebrews 13:4, NLT

Philos means warm affection or friendship.  We are to love each other and treat each other the way we want to be treated.  Friends care for each other, respect each other, look out for each other, and spend time with each other.  How are you doing in that area?  Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives that we forget that our friends need us, too, especially if they live alone.

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth
for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.

1 Peter 1:22 ESV

Agapē is the sacrificial, unconditional love of God.  If you completely measure up to this kind of love, I’d like to meet you!  You may have unconditional love for husband or wife or children, but only God has the truest sacrificial, unconditional love there is.  Sometimes we sacrifice time or money to help others, but rarely do we sacrifice everything we have for some person or cause. 

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 ESV

When our first Black Lab died after 11 years, we went to pick out a new puppy.  This momma Yellow Lab was loving on her puppies as they came to her.  When people come to you, do you show them love?  Sharing God’s love is the best we can do for people.  It will give them hope and peace as they navigate this world.  Make it a point to show God’s love to someone today.  More on gestures of love next time…

12 How do I love thee?

 How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.  That is an oft quoted first line of a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Sonnet 43.  Even if you’re not into poetry or literature, you might want to take a moment to click on the link and read this famous poem.  I don’t know if Elizabeth was inspired by the Word of God when writing, but Mark 12:30 tells us the ways we are to love God.

Love God with all your heart.  In this verse ALL is the key word to love as well as to peace.  Loving anyone requires everything.  If it is divided or broken, it is not ALL.  Yes, we still love other people and need to love them wholeheartedly, too.  What this means is that when we are saying or showing that we love God, we are loving Him only, not another idol or god of our own making.  When a couple truly loves each other, there is no other lover.  It’s just the two of them.  So it should be with God.

Love God with all your soul.  One definition on the internet says your soul is the seat of your memory, feelings, imagination, convictions, desires, and affections.  These are all areas that can be infiltrated with good or bad.  If we love God with all our soul, then these areas of our life will be controlled by Him and leave little room for Satan to put his two cents in and draw us away.

Love God with all your mind.  This one is kind of obvious but yet it isn’t.  It really goes along with our soul, but our mind needs to be harnessed by the Spirit of God so what we think in our mind is purified before it gets to the soul.  If my mind is thinking about what I just heard, saw, or read, that’s what’s going to seep into my soul.  When the Holy Spirit guards my mind, if those thoughts are sinful, he puts a stop to them before they get to my soul.  We can’t love God with sinful thoughts in our mind.

Love God with all your strength.  Some days I feel like I could conquer anything and other days I don’t have the strength to bend over and pick up something off the floor.  Whether you’re weak or ill, or as “strong as an ox”, the amount of strength you have is all that God requires.  He doesn’t want us to just give Him what strength is left at the end of a busy tiring day.  He wants all the strength we have from morning to night.

Freely…  Elizabeth also states that she loved freely.  God wants us to love Him that way, too.  He doesn’t make us but asks that we give our love freely with no strings attached.

Purely…  Elizabeth says she loves purely as well.  There’s no other way to love God or anyone except purely which goes back to loving with our whole soul.  If you give any less, then it’s not ALL.

Better after death…  We love God and others now, but our love will be enhanced and magnified when we see Him face to face after death or when He comes again.

How do you love?  Count the ways and see if they need improvement.  More love thoughts on the way…

11 LOVE’s beginning

Love didn’t come naturally when we were born.  Babies are demanding and when they spit their peas or beets out at us, we might think they actually hate us. 😊 

When that sweet baby is put in your arms, the first thing you do is hug them to you and kiss them, but it takes a long time before they respond in kind.  God, however, loved us even before we were born.  Think about that for a minute.  Have you ever loved anyone before you met them? Before you knew what they looked like or what their personality was like?  God knew everything about us before we were born and still loves us no matter what we look like, what we say, or what we do.

My mother’s hobby was making things out of plastic canvas and yarn.  She went to Heaven over 15 years ago and I still have some of the things she made.  Others have disintegrated or broke.  The heart in this picture is one thing I still have and put out every year around Valentine’s Day.  As I looked at it, a couple of thoughts came to my mind.  Before you continue reading, look at this picture for a few minutes and see what stands out to you.

* * *

The shape of the heart is the first thing I noticed.  It’s not a typical rounded heart.  That’s hard to do with something as stiff as plastic canvas.  Love comes in all  shapes, sizes, and colors.

Some people only open their hearts a little and other people have a big heart.  God has the biggest heart of all and it’s open to everyone.

The second thing that caught my eye was the key hanging down from the heart which drew my eyes up to the keyhole that’s easy to miss when glancing at the heart.  If there’s a keyhole in something and it’s locked, obviously you’ll need the key to open it.  Is your heart open to love or is it locked up from past hurts?

The third thing I noticed was what’s behind the heart.  It’s hanging on a door, but if you look at the design of the door in the picture, it looks like the heart is hanging on a cross.  That’s the beginning of love. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16, NIV

Love began when God created the world, continued as He gave His only Son for us, and will never end because if we know Him, we get to spend eternity basking in His love and He in ours.

More about love in the next post…

10 Where are you looking?

If you were going shopping for a new refrigerator, would you go to the grocery store?  It sounds logical in one sense because food is what you put in the refrigerator, but grocery stores don’t normally sell big appliances.  Some of the big department stores or super centers (that some people like and some don’t) might have both food and appliances, but most likely a grocery store would not.  You’d probably have to go to an appliance store.

So where are you looking for peace?

When I’m thinking about something, I have a tendency to look around or sometimes stare and zone out.  That might give me inspiration or an idea where to start.  My eyes may focus on some object or person.  My ears may hear someone talking.  I might feel a gentle breeze on a hot day or the sun warming me on a cold day.   Where do you look when you have a question or need help with a problem?

Recently as my pastor is preaching through the Book of Ruth, I jotted down some points that he emphasized which also fit well as we think about where to find peace.

May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.

Ruth 2:12, NIV

Look up, not down.  If you’re looking down all the time, you won’t see what’s right in front of you and may walk into a wall, a person, or some other object.  Ouch!  That’s not peaceful!  Look to God, not others for the peace that you desire.  He is the only true source of peace.

See God’s hand in your life.  Look around at all that God has done for you.  If you’re constantly negative and pessimistic, it’s not peace-inducing.  But if you look up and around and recognize that God is working in you, you’re on your way to a peace-filled life.

God works behind the scenes.  When you go to the theater or watch a movie, can you see what’s going on back stage to orchestrate the show?  It’s the same with our lives.  God is working in the background where we can’t see what’s going on just yet.  Trust Him to work out the details so the end of your life’s story will be a perfectly peaceful ending.  You will live happily ever after if you know Jesus as your Savior.

Expect a miracle.  I think most of us pray for a miracle in different situations for ourselves or others.  We hope for a miracle to happen soon.  But is it just thoughts and words or do we really expect a miracle?  Believe and trust Him!

When we take refuge in God’s arms and trust Him, we will find the peace we long for.

* * *

I am not very good at memorizing so I’ve tried different apps for my cell phone that help you to memorize.  One app called Verse Locker includes a list of 15 aspects of peace with verses to memorize.  In future posts, we will look at them one by one, with the first one being the Illusion of Peace.  Notice that I didn’t say illusive, but illusion. 

Before we head into these aspects of peace, I’m switching themes just a little to love in honor of Valentine’s Day and then Lent as we head towards Easter.  I hope you’ll keep reading and share this blog with everyone.

09 Peace and onions…

Like the skin of an onion, it’s only the outer layer.  Peace goes deeper.

Onions have several layers.  The outside one is a protective layer.  It keeps the dirt off of the part we eat.  It holds the onion together.  Then there’s a thin layer that reminds me of plastic wrap.  Neither one of those layers are palatable.  Once you get past those layers, it’s time to start cutting (and crying! 😊).  You may want to cut the onion in thin slices for a sandwich or chop it into small pieces for a soup or casserole.  But it’s still an onion no matter how you choose to cut or use it.  A  bit of trivia:  Onions are one of the foods that the Israelites remembered enjoying when they were in Egypt.

We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing,
the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.

Numbers 11:5 ESV

Peace sometimes comes in the form of a protective layer that doesn’t look (or taste) very pleasant so you ignore it or push it aside.  That isn’t peace! you say.  But actually it might be.  Let me explain.  There was a ministry that I was interested in participating in.  I spent countless hours reading about it, studying, taking classes, and interviewing.  I was sure it was what God wanted until the last interview when I wasn’t accepted.  That did not feel like peace.  It felt like rejection and turmoil.  As time went on and I processed it all and moved on, I realized that it actually was peace.  Why?  Because if I had continued and been accepted, there would have been heartache and pain that I wasn’t able to see in the future.  God protected me from taking a step in the wrong direction and gave me peace.  Sometimes an onion looks good on the outside, but the further you cut into the middle, you may find a spoiled spot.

Then there’s the clear plastic wrap kind of peace.  You can see through plastic wrap to what’s underneath it.  That kind of peace gives the illusion that peace is on the other side of that clear layer presenting itself so well.  I try to take people at face value until they prove themselves otherwise.  I’ve had to back out of friendships because the person lied to me, gossiped about me, or stabbed me in the back (figuratively).  I thought they were good people until I got to know them better.  Their plastic wrap bubble looked good, but it hid what was underneath the next layer.

Now we get down to the “meat” of the onion.  This is where the flavor and smell are.  I cannot cut up an onion without crying!  Sometimes it’s just watery eyes and I can get through, but other times depending on the potency of the onion, I can’t even see what I’m doing because my eyes are so full of tears.  Who says eyes and nose don’t work together?!  Peace is like that.  At times it can be a minimal momentary refreshment of calmness and quietness in our hearts.  Other times it is an overwhelming peace that seeps into every pore of our body and mind.  It’s not just a feeling, though.  It’s a deep lasting spirit that permeates our whole being and cannot be destroyed…just like the Israelites’ remembering the onions in Egypt.

Next time I’ll talk about where to find peace…stay tuned.

08 Peace in the midst of the storm

You know you have peace when you have Peace in the Midst of the Storm.  Click on the link to listen to Alvin Slaughter singing about peace to the background of video of devastation from a hurricane.  No matter what is going on around us, you can have peace just like I did throughout the entire Covid pandemic and it remains with me today.  It doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen.  It doesn’t mean I’m happy nor joyful about the situations I find myself in.  It doesn’t mean restoration will make it right.  It does mean that my faith is intact.  My joy is in the Lord.  My trust is in Him, not what’s going on around me. 

I’ve never liked to watch lightning.  I remember as a kid hiding under the covers during a thunder and lightning storm so I wouldn’t have to see the lightning flash.  It didn’t keep me any safer, but at least I didn’t have to look at it.  Later in adult life I watched a movie about a tornado that went through a town and it scared me so much that any time a tornado alert popped up on my cell phone, I’d get anxious, run around to look out each window, and jump at every gust of wind I’d hear outside.  Fear would grip my heart and I’d panic.  That was before I found peace in the midst of the storms of life.  I still don’t watch lightning and I pray I never have to experience a tornado, but I know the Lord will see me through it. 

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.

Isaiah 26:3, NLT

I don’t know what kind of storm you may be going through as you read these posts, but I know that peace is possible in the midst of it.  As I write this I think most people are going through a financial storm to one degree or another.  I came through last year very well and had anticipated continuing along the same path I was on.  But just to be sure my budget would remain intact, I increased various categories that I knew would have to be higher than last year due to the price of goods and services increasing.  Even that wasn’t enough and by the end of January I exceeded my budget.  I could have started worrying about it, but I didn’t.  I need visual and audio reminders around me for anything and everything.  If I have an appointment, I need that audio reminder in my cell phone so I don’t forget it.  If I have a Bible verse I need to remind myself of frequently, I find a picture and put it on the frig.  Here’s what I have there right now:

Lighthouses guide the way through a storm for ships on the sea.  Jesus is my lighthouse and guides me through the storms of life.  He will provide.  It is my job to trust Him no matter what the storm.  Having these images where I see them dozens of times during the day as I walk through the kitchen help keep my thoughts focused on the Provider.

In the next post, I’m going to talk about onions…come back to see what onions and peace have in common.

07 Are you free…?

Are you free to experience peace or is something holding you back?

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”

John 8:36 (NLT)

My cat Joy, like most cats, loves yarn, ribbon, tassels, or anything she can get her claws into.  But occasionally she gets tangled up in it and needs help getting free.  She enjoys playing, but my way of releasing her is to carefully pry it away from her while her way is to chew her way through it.  She fights me then because she thinks her way is better and doesn’t want me to interfere.  For her (and me) peace is her being set free from the tangle of yarn that could strangle her but the method of release is what we differ on.

Some of the things in life that destroy our peace are like tangled yarn.  They are pretty, enticing, and fun to play with, but if we aren’t careful can create a stranglehold on us.  A thought just flashed into my mind’s eye of the old cowboy shows I watched as a child.  Ropes were good for a lot of things from lassoing a stubborn calf to tying a horse to a post so it wouldn’t run off.  Ropes were also used by angry people when they formed a lynching mob and someone died by strangulation. 

If you don’t have peace in your life, there is most likely something in the way.  Ask God to show you what it is that’s interfering.  It’s just like our finicky cell phones.  Sometimes I have to move to a different spot to get a good signal because an appliance or a wall is interfering.  I wonder why I can’t access a website and when I check my connection, I find out my wi-fi was turned off.  I wonder why I’m not receiving notifications but when I check my settings, it was on silent.  You probably have similar frustrations or could add to my list.  Those frustrations are like many others—something we need to resolve or remove from our lives so the peace can flow through.  As long as we allow things, frustrations, people, and situations to have our attention, that’s where our minds go and peace has no place to settle in.  We must give peace space to reside and let it expand until we are totally free of those things that hold us back.

Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace is what we need.  Take a break and watch this video of piano music with the lyrics to this old hymn on a background of soothing peaceful video. Do you feel more peaceful now?  In the next post I’ll talk about having peace in the midst of the storm.

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