Baking can be fun when everything turns out alright, but sometimes I have issues with the consistency of a recipe or it doesn’t get done the way it should. I blame it on my oven! For once these pretzel/chocolate/mint treats came out perfect BUT the after effect of cooling off made the chocolate turn slightly white which I think was the air hitting it. They need time to cool and set before you move them so covering is not an option. Once I tried hurrying the cooling off process by putting them in the refrigerator to cool and set up, but the same thing happened, and then when I took them out, the pretzel and chocolate didn’t stay together because they didn’t bond properly while they were hot from the oven. You can find the original recipe here, but I choose to use mini nonpareil candies instead of M&Ms as it gives it a different flavor instead of adding more sweet chocolate to it.
What happens after a conversation or event is dependent on the actions and reactions of those involved. How we process and respond is the after effect.
Have you ever quipped to yourself I really didn’t need that… [accident, problem, conversation, or maybe even a gift—since we’re in the Christmas gift-giving season…]? I’ve caught myself saying that after some incidents, but then a phrase in a song, “Through It All”, comes to my mind. It is actually written by Andraé Crouch but is mostly known as sung by the Gaithers.
“For if I’d never had a problem
written by Andraé Crouch but is mostly known as sung by the Gaithers
I’d never know God could solve them
I’d never know what faith in God could do…”
When things are going along smoothly and quietly, we think we have peace, and to a degree we do, but it could also be a false peace. It’s only after a trial or tragedy comes and then ceases that we truly experience the peace of God.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces
a harvest of righteousness and peace
for those who have been trained by it.”
Hebrews 12:11
Peace comes after the trial or storm not during it. So if you’re in the midst of a problem or trying time, don’t expect peace immediately. Peace can be there, but not if we focus on the bad things that are happening. Peace comes when we turn our eyes and heart to God rather than the problem. Just as I switched out the M&Ms for the mini nonpareils, we can switch our focus to experience a different end result which may better suit our palate.
I’ve had my share of car accidents over the years (thankfully none for the last 15-20 years!), and of course when you’re in the midst of an accident with a wrecked car, the emotions and blood pressure initially go through the roof. Thankfully I’ve never been hurt nor hurt anyone else in any of my accidents. Did I have peace in the midst of those accidents? No. But when I took time to reflect on them, I was always able to take a deep breath and thanked the Lord for watching over me, that it wasn’t worse than it was, and that no one was hurt. Then the peace flooded in.
God gives us peace when we are His, but it’s not always felt by us immediately. It sometimes comes as an after effect. So if you’re not sensing peace in a particular situation or chapter of your life, seek God out and draw close to Him. The closer you get to Him, the easier it will be to feel His peace permeate your life. You might have a picture of your special person or pet and looking at it brings you good feelings, but oh how much more the good feelings increase when that person comes in the flesh and sits beside you. That’s kind of what it’s like with God’s presence.
The after effect of an incident can leave you feeling shook to the core as you relive it in your mind, realizing what happened or what could have happened. Allow God’s peace to flow through you, calming you and giving you a positive spin on the situation. Our minds can play tricks on us, especially if we allow them to spin out of control like a car skidding on a patch of ice. Some of the dreams I have at times can leave a fearful after effect on me until I fully wake up and realize it was just a dream and does not mean what happened in the dream did not really happen nor would it necessarily happen.
What are your after effects like when life throws you a curve ball? Look to God to fill you with His peace.