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Peace can seem illusive, but it really isn’t.  Come read and allow God to fill you with His peace as you begin to sense His presence.

74 Peace with God

I love butterflies because they are so beautiful and because to me they stand for new life in Christ.  This picture was from a color-by-number app.  A picture of a butterfly that I have on my wall has the caption “Transformed by Grace Divine”.  A butterfly has to go through a lot before it becomes beautiful.  It starts out in a dark, cramped cocoon and then has to fight its way out to become strong.  A butterfly always brings a smile to me,  but also I think of peace because after all the turmoil it’s been through to break free of the cocoon, it is flitting about peacefully.  No matter what you’ve been through in life, you can be transformed and become strong, too, when you fight your way out of sin and into His glorious light.  Then you will be able to enjoy the perfect peace that He brings.

“Submit to God, and you will have peace;
then things will go well for you.”

Job 22:21, NLT

That doesn’t mean that everything is going to go our way nor that we’ll prosper financially.  It could work out that way, but that is not what this verse is implying.  One of Job’s friends was trying to help him figure out what was going on with all the trouble Job was having his his life. When things don’t go well for us, there’s usually a reason.  It may be disobedience, a lie, or some other sin that is getting in the way.  It is only when we submit to God, ask for forgiveness for our sins, and follow Him that we can have peace.  Only then can we hope for things to go well for us as we trust in Him.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith,
we have peace with God because of what
Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”

Romans 5:1, NLT

Peace with God comes through our reconciliation with God is a result of our acceptance of and forgiveness from God through the death of our Lord on the cross.  Peace with God is when you and God are on the same page.  It is not the calmness or tranquility that brings peace with God, but our acceptance of Jesus that brings peace with God because there’s nothing between us.

Think of a friendship that has gone awry.  Think about what caused it to be severed or strained.  Now think about what you could do to restore it.  When that friendship is reconciled or restored, there’s peace and you can enjoy each other again and share all the things that you used to share and will again.  It is the same with our Lord.  When there’s something in the way, the relationship is strained, and we need to figure out what is causing it.  Then we need to take the steps necessary to restore that relationship to what it should be…or if you’ve never had a relationship with Jesus, the first step is to pray and ask Him to forgive your sins and open the door to an ongoing relationship with Jesus…which is the channel for peace with God.

Peace with God is only possible because of what Jesus has done for us.  When we trust in Him, love Him, and serve Him, we can experience perfect peace with God even in the midst of sadness, tragedies, and other things that come upon us in this life.

Peace with God is eternal.  If we have His peace now, it won’t leave us when life gets tough.  It won’t leave us when we die, but will carry us through to Heaven and eternity.  It’s not like a dream that ends when you wake up.  It’s always there.

Are you and God on the same page today?  If not, why not, and what can you do about it?  When you come home from work or in from gardening, the hot bath to soak those sore muscles doesn’t draw itself.  You have to put forth the effort to draw the bath and get ready.  Then you will be able to bask in the refreshing, comforting feel of the water.

73 Provision of Peace

God provides in so many different ways every day.  He provides the rising sun to light our day.  He provides food, rest, and strength.  He provides beautiful sunsets to close out our day as we head into a restful evening.  I feel the sunset is the one that most represents peace to me because no matter what took place during the day, He gives rest for the next one, and the quietness and stillness, not to mention the slowing of the sun and the day, contribute to the peacefulness of the moment.  But the sunset is not what brings or makes it peace…it is the giver of that sunset.

When you find a quiet place away from dailiness of life, that is a provision of peace to me.  I love to be with people, but when I’m in a large group of people such as a church retreat or camp, I have to find moments of solitude and quietness to reflect on the peace that God gives in those moments.  I guess that’s why I like to walk in the woods or sit by a stream, lake, or bay—anywhere that it’s quiet and still.  The busyness of the beach and the sound of waves does not give me peace.  It’s the quietness and stillness of a steady stream.

Peace is a feeling like Robert Browning expressed in one of his pieces of literature…

“God’s in His Heaven—

All’s right with the world!”

says poet Robert Browning

Though that’s not Scripture, it pretty much sums up peace in that it comes from God who made Heaven and earth, and He’s in control.  When we accept His provisions and trust Him, He gives us His peace as a confirmation that He’s there and hasn’t forgotten us.

“The fruit of that righteousness will be peace;
its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places,
in secure homes,
in undisturbed places of rest.”

Isaiah 32:17-18, NIV

Israel suffered injustice from evil rulers and was looking for deliverance.  That didn’t happen in their lifetime and won’t happen in the world in ours either.  Christ is the only one who can bring true peace.  We might have periods of peace here on earth and we can always have peace in our hearts, but the peace these verses are talking about won’t happen until Jesus comes again and wipes out all the evil and builds His new Heaven and new earth free of sin.

Without the provision of peace, what’s left for us in this world?  War, famine, anxiety, depression, sickness, hatred, catastrophes, accidents, tragedies…need I go on?!  We need God’s provision of peace in the midst of all these situations we find ourselves in this world.  I couldn’t face any of these without God and His marvelous provision of peace to keep me calm and focused on Him.

“For Christ Himself has brought peace to us.
He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when,
in His own body on the cross,
He broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.”

Ephesians 2:14, NLT

So much of today’s world is not at peace with themselves or one another because of differences—physical, emotional, nationality, spiritual, you name it!  Jesus died for those differences to bring us all together in His kingdom.  He wants to see those barriers come down as we come to Him.  I can’t tear down those barriers alone and you can’t tear down those barriers alone.  But together as we each come to Jesus, He tears down the barriers between us and brings us together in Himself.

I am so glad that God is my provider and that His peace is there for me to draw upon in any and all situations of life in which I find myself.  His peace makes it possible for me to keep going and not give up.  His peace gives me strength and hope to move on and keep trusting Him for every step I take.

Best of all, His provision of peace never runs out, never stops, never fails.  The only thing that can short circuit the flow of peace into our heart is if we close our heart to Him and allow other things to cut off that flow.  Accept His provision of peace today and guard it.

72 Exclusion of Peace

An exclusion is basically removing something from being considered.  My definition of exclusion of peace is when there’s noise and commotion around you and you can’t think or concentrate because of the distraction.  The noise and commotion is keeping you from experiencing peace.  If we exclude Christ from our lives, we’re not likely to find much true peace as the verse in the picture above tells us.  (It is a color by number picture I did in one of those coloring apps.)

“There is no peace for the wicked,
says my God.”

Isaiah 57:21, NLT

God said there is no peace for the wicked.  So it stands to reason that if a person is doing wrong or sinful things, there will not be any peace for that person.  If you want peace in your life, you will need to stop participating in certain things, stop going certain places, stop using bad language, and anything else that is not Godly.  Peace is present when we are living our lives so that they line up with the Word of God and His character.  When we are not, peace is excluded.

“They leave a trail of harmful actions.
They do not know how to live in peace.”

Romans 3:16-17, NiRV

I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve watched gangster type shows.  How much peace did you observe in the show?  The bad guys are always getting into trouble because of the things they’ve done.  They run from the law.  They hide and cover up what they’ve done.  Is that peace?  It’s certainly not the way I’d like to live my life.  I much prefer the peace that comes from doing and living right.  The above verse is talking about all of us sinners, me included.  No one is righteous.  Verse 18 of Romans 3 in NLT says,   “They have no fear of God at all.”  That is why there is no peace for sinners.

No one likes to be excluded from events.  I know the heart-wrenching feeling of that first hand, and it takes a long time to get past it, especially when you find yourself spending holidays alone.  Being excluded is not the end, though, and sometimes it helps you to find other activities and people to be with that in some ways are better.

Kids can be so cruel to other kids sometimes, and I know that first hand as well.  I was never one of the most popular kids and always the last one to be chosen for a team.  I often wish I would have just been excluded altogether instead of being the last one with no other choice but to be picked—or assigned.

Have you ever thought of people in the Bible who were excluded or outcast?  Here are a few:

  • The shepherds in the Christmas story were societal outcasts but were chosen to receive the announcement of our Savior’s birth.  (Luke 2)
  • Children were considered by some to be unimportant and shooed away as being a pest, but Jesus called them to Himself and blessed them.  (Mark 10:13-16)
  • Women held a lower place in society than men but Jesus healed them, talked with them, and included them in His circle of friends.  (John 4:7-27)
  • Tax collectors were called the scum of the earth because of their bad reputation for taking more than necessary when doing their job, but Jesus saw the heart and called one to Himself.  (Matthew 9:9-13)
  • Demon possessed individuals were not ignored by Jesus, but were set free from the chains that held them captive.  (Luke 8:26-56)

Though these and others were excluded by the very people around them, they found peace when Jesus intersected their lives and took away the stigma that held them for so long.  Other were excluded permanently:

  • Moses was excluded from entering the Promised Land because of his sin in the wilderness (See Deuteronomy 32:51–52). 
  • Some of the virgins were excluded from the wedding feast because they were not ready when the bridegroom came (See Matthew 25:10). 
  • Not everyone will enter Heaven—some will be excluded because they didn’t believe and ask Jesus into their lives (See I Corinthians 6:9).

If I was any one of these last mentioned people, I would be devastated—wouldn’t you?  No way would I want to miss out on something I worked and waited so long for only to be told it was too late or I wasn’t ready.  But we will be excluded from Heaven if we are not prepared. 

It’s no different than going on vacation and arriving at our destination only to find out there was no reservation made for us and the rooms are all booked.  Disappointment with a capital D!  Don’t blame it on someone else for not making the reservations.  You must make arrangements with Jesus personally and confirm them.  No one else can do it for you…not your parents or grandparents nor your friends or children.  It’s like the fine print on coupons—only good for certain items (in this case certain people—you!), not good on any other item (or for any other person).

71 Illusion of Peace

Is the cat in this picture real or an illusion?  I had a lot of people who had to get closer to see for themselves.

Some of the dictionary definitions of an illusion are:

  • a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses
  • a deceptive appearance or impression
  • a false idea or belief

So many times when my kids were little I’d think they were finally playing nicely together without fighting, only to find out they had collaborated and were getting into trouble doing things they knew they weren’t supposed to do.  The older one figured out he could blackmail his sibling so I didn’t find out until many years later when they were adults all the things they did as kids.  So my personal definition of an illusion of peace is when it’s quiet and you think the kids are playing nicely, but it’s too quiet and they’re actually getting into trouble.  Can anyone identify with that?!  LOL

“We hoped for peace, but no peace came.
We hoped for a time of healing, but found only terror.”

Jeremiah 8:15, NLT

Drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, and many other things can give you the false sense of peace as you participate in them, but it is only a short-lived feeling of peace that doesn’t last, and not the real thing.  Coming down off a high is not very peaceful.  The only “high” I’ve ever been on is a spiritual high when I’ve been away on a retreat and then had to come back to the “real” world where all is not peace and joy.

“For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape.”
I Thessalonians 5:2-3, NLT

You may think you have peace now, but is it the real thing?  Does it sustain you when things get rough?  Does it comfort you and keep you calm?  When a disaster or unplanned event or emergency comes upon you, do you keep it together or do you fall apart?  The above verses are talking about the day when the Lord returns to take those who are His with Him to Heaven.  People are going to be going about their day as normal, enjoying their life, and all of a sudden things will change.  They’ll see people are missing.  A vehicle or aircraft will veer off course because there is no one in the driver’s seat.  If they’ve had any knowledge of the Bible at all, they will realize the Lord has come and taken His children with Him and they are left behind.  Then things won’t be as peaceful and secure as they had thought.  Disaster will come and at that time there will be no peace for those still alive on earth, and no escape.

There are many false teachers who will tell you what you want to hear and who teach things that are not Biblical.  They are giving you an illusion of what they think but not truthfully what the Bible teaches, so be careful.  An illusion may give you a false sense of peace for a time, but in the end the peace will dissipate and you’ll have nothing left, like the icicle that melts when the sun shines on it.  Be wise and discerning of the things you hear, see, and read so that you don’t become illusioned by false teachings.

A good example of an illusion is the tricks of a magician.  They show you one thing and want you to believe it, but they never show you how they did it because if they did it would spoil their presentation.   What you see is not what actually happened in their trick…it’s just that—a trick!  Don’t fall for it…and don’t fall for an illusion of peace.  Ask God for the real perfect peace that only He can give.

70 Peace, Perfect Peace

When and where do you feel peace the most?  For me it’s first thing in the morning before the distractions of phone, email, and other things vie for my attention.  I love to watch both sunrises and sunsets and enjoy them for as long as I can.  They are calming and a good reminder of God’s creating our world with day and night.

Today I want to talk about the words of a song by Edward Henry Bickersteth which I’ve known for years.  The Lord brought it to my mind this morning while I was having my devotions.  I know I am as guilty as anyone of just listening to the music or singing the words without really thinking about them, but this morning when I searched for it online and really listened to the words, it spoke to me.  So listen to “Peace, Perfect Peace”  here and then we’ll talk about the words. 

1 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?

The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

2 Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?

To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.

3 Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?

Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.

4 Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?

Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.

5 It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease,

and Jesus call to heaven’s perfect peace.

The first line of the first four verses asks a question, but the second line of each verse answers the question.  Then verse 5 sums it all up by telling us that one day all the things that rob us of peace will be over and gone as we meet Jesus in Heaven and enjoy the perfect peace He’s prepared for us there.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t have perfect peace here on earth. 

1 – Sometimes it seems like this world is so full of sin, sorrow, and trouble that there’s no peace to be found.  Accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, shootings—all because of a sin-cursed world.  These things tug at our heart and threaten any peace we do have.

2 – The duties of the day call us.  Go to work…pick up the kids at soccer…get to that meeting on time…do the mountain of laundry…prepare the meal and clean up…fix those things on the honey-do list…and on it goes.  Sometimes we are so busy that we don’t even make time to talk to the Lord and read His Word.

3 – You get that call you hope you never do that a loved one has a terminal illness or died.  The peace seems to fly right out the window in such times of distress—at least initially.  God can use those times and situations, though, to bring us closer to Him as well as to help others.

4 – Unknowns!  Wow, I sure know about them over the years!  Losing jobs and not knowing when you’ll have another paycheck…loved ones moving away and not knowing when you’ll see them again…having dreams crushed and trying to pick up the pieces and move on…  I don’t know what your unknown is, but whatever our unknowns are to us, they are known to God and if we trust Him through those unknowns, He will show us the way and meet our needs.

5 – It is enough.  I’ve often said that…enough already!  Have you?  I know that earth’s struggles will one day be over, and I’m looking forward to that day when my body doesn’t have limitations, my mind is clear, and my heart isn’t being ripped to shreds at every turn.

“You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in You,
all whose thoughts are fixed on You!”

Isaiah 26:3

So how can we find that peace, perfect peace in the midst of this dark world, duties, death, unknowns, and struggles?  Look at the second line of each verse.  Jesus’ blood whispers peace because His work was finished on the cross.  When we are doing His will, we will experience more peace than when we are so busy with everything else on our plate that we put Him on the back burner.  Remember that Jesus has already won the victory and has conquered the grave so no matter what happens in sickness and dying, He is there to meet us and comfort us.  He is on the throne and has control of our lives and everything in this world.  When our time on earth is over and He has accomplished His plan in this world, He will call us to Heaven to spend eternity with Him.

Trust in God and fix your thoughts on Him!  That’s the way to find perfect peace.  If you don’t have that perfect peace, just ask the Holy Spirit for His comfort and peace that only He can give, and rest in His loving care.  God bless and have a peaceful day!

69 Friday’s Ramblings

I’ve been thinking all week what to write about and hadn’t come up with a firm thought until I went out for a prayer walk today, but wanted to post so my readers wouldn’t think I’ve forgotten them.  I will get back to the topic of peace next week, but want to ramble a bit today, though there is a bit about peace intertwined.  Do you ever feel like you just want to let your mind wander and see where it stops?  That can be a bad thing if it wanders into unwholesome or immoral thoughts.  But sometimes letting your mind wander a bit can be a good thing—in my opinion.  It’s actually how I came to write some of the posts on my old blog.

This week I’ve been sorting through some of the thoughts I’ve been having on various subjects as well as technical issues with devices.  As these thoughts came through my mind, I’m reminded of the verse:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ.”

II Corinthians 10:5, NIV

One of the things that has been on my mind for a long time is false teaching which is anything that does not hold true to the Word of God.  That includes being supportive of those who are teaching things contrary to the Word of God.  I won’t go into specifics here because I don’t want to offend anyone nor start or fuel an argument.  I’ve been part of too many different churches and some of them held to things that I disagreed with.  In one sense that is OK as that is why there are different churches, kind of like the old saying different strokes for different folks.  BUT if the teaching is not grounded in the Bible and things are supported that are not in line with the whole of God’s Word, then that’s not OK.  II Corinthians Paul has a lot to say about false teaching and how it was affecting the churches and the believers in those churches.

I had a friend who’s now with the Lord who awoke within me the need to be discerning and openly questioning when things don’t appear to be kosher in my understanding of God’s Word.  Some years ago I also was challenged by a Christian organization who I wanted to volunteer with but they had a different stance on a particular doctrinal statement than the one I grew up believing.  I had to do a lot of searching and studying to determine from God’s Word which one was true, and ultimately realized that what I grew up believing was incorrect.  That in turn made me question other beliefs and practices…but that’s a good thing if it is to get into God’s Word and be sure of your foundation in the faith.

The thoughts that have troubled me these last few weeks are more for Christians and their beliefs than those who don’t know the Lord at all.  Just as I did, we grow up believing certain things, following or avoiding certain practices, and trusting certain authors and speakers as truth.  But what do we do with that when those things are challenged?  Do we defend it and go on believing as we always have without even considering new views?  Or are we willing to take a step back and look into it further?  What if our eternal future depends on it???

When I hear or read something that doesn’t sound right to me, I need to check it out, especially if I have no peace about it.  If I’m wrong, I dismiss it and move past it, but if I find it is not true to God’s Word, then I need to reject it.  Too many people are so entrenched and comfortable in believing that because so-and-so said it, it must be true, and are not willing to even check out evidence that there might be a Biblical issue at stake. 

I’ve downloaded a lot of free books on the Kindle app that looked like they were Christian, the title grabbed my attention, and in some cases the publisher was even one that I respected and trusted; but as I started to read (sometimes even getting halfway through the book), flags started flying in my brain to alert me that something was amiss.  After checking the issue out, I removed the book and never finished it.  I don’t want to allow my thinking to be infiltrated by things that aren’t true no matter how good they sound.  It’s not just a book—it’s thoughts going into your brain that may lodge there and mislead you.

So today let my rambling thoughts flow through your thoughts and see if there is anything you need to revisit with a new viewpoint and the truths from the Bible.  Don’t let it slide by and ignore it…that’s not peace.  If you give Satan an inch, he’ll take a foot.  If you let one little thing slide by, you may be opening yourself up to other subtle things that take you farther and farther away from truth…and peace.

Don’t be the one who says I don’t see anything wrong with…and continue on in the thoughts and beliefs you have.  Be the one who says I’m not sure if that’s true, but let me look into it. 

10 Where are you looking?

If you were going shopping for a new refrigerator, would you go to the grocery store?  It sounds logical in one sense because food is what you put in the refrigerator, but grocery stores don’t normally sell big appliances.  Some of the big department stores or super centers (that some people like and some don’t) might have both food and appliances, but most likely a grocery store would not.  You’d probably have to go to an appliance store.

So where are you looking for peace?

When I’m thinking about something, I have a tendency to look around or sometimes stare and zone out.  That might give me inspiration or an idea where to start.  My eyes may focus on some object or person.  My ears may hear someone talking.  I might feel a gentle breeze on a hot day or the sun warming me on a cold day.   Where do you look when you have a question or need help with a problem?

Recently as my pastor is preaching through the Book of Ruth, I jotted down some points that he emphasized which also fit well as we think about where to find peace.

May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.

Ruth 2:12, NIV

Look up, not down.  If you’re looking down all the time, you won’t see what’s right in front of you and may walk into a wall, a person, or some other object.  Ouch!  That’s not peaceful!  Look to God, not others for the peace that you desire.  He is the only true source of peace.

See God’s hand in your life.  Look around at all that God has done for you.  If you’re constantly negative and pessimistic, it’s not peace-inducing.  But if you look up and around and recognize that God is working in you, you’re on your way to a peace-filled life.

God works behind the scenes.  When you go to the theater or watch a movie, can you see what’s going on back stage to orchestrate the show?  It’s the same with our lives.  God is working in the background where we can’t see what’s going on just yet.  Trust Him to work out the details so the end of your life’s story will be a perfectly peaceful ending.  You will live happily ever after if you know Jesus as your Savior.

Expect a miracle.  I think most of us pray for a miracle in different situations for ourselves or others.  We hope for a miracle to happen soon.  But is it just thoughts and words or do we really expect a miracle?  Believe and trust Him!

When we take refuge in God’s arms and trust Him, we will find the peace we long for.

* * *

I am not very good at memorizing so I’ve tried different apps for my cell phone that help you to memorize.  One app called Verse Locker includes a list of 15 aspects of peace with verses to memorize.  In future posts, we will look at them one by one, with the first one being the Illusion of Peace.  Notice that I didn’t say illusive, but illusion. 

Before we head into these aspects of peace, I’m switching themes just a little to love in honor of Valentine’s Day and then Lent as we head towards Easter.  I hope you’ll keep reading and share this blog with everyone.

09 Peace and onions…

Like the skin of an onion, it’s only the outer layer.  Peace goes deeper.

Onions have several layers.  The outside one is a protective layer.  It keeps the dirt off of the part we eat.  It holds the onion together.  Then there’s a thin layer that reminds me of plastic wrap.  Neither one of those layers are palatable.  Once you get past those layers, it’s time to start cutting (and crying! 😊).  You may want to cut the onion in thin slices for a sandwich or chop it into small pieces for a soup or casserole.  But it’s still an onion no matter how you choose to cut or use it.  A  bit of trivia:  Onions are one of the foods that the Israelites remembered enjoying when they were in Egypt.

We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing,
the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.

Numbers 11:5 ESV

Peace sometimes comes in the form of a protective layer that doesn’t look (or taste) very pleasant so you ignore it or push it aside.  That isn’t peace! you say.  But actually it might be.  Let me explain.  There was a ministry that I was interested in participating in.  I spent countless hours reading about it, studying, taking classes, and interviewing.  I was sure it was what God wanted until the last interview when I wasn’t accepted.  That did not feel like peace.  It felt like rejection and turmoil.  As time went on and I processed it all and moved on, I realized that it actually was peace.  Why?  Because if I had continued and been accepted, there would have been heartache and pain that I wasn’t able to see in the future.  God protected me from taking a step in the wrong direction and gave me peace.  Sometimes an onion looks good on the outside, but the further you cut into the middle, you may find a spoiled spot.

Then there’s the clear plastic wrap kind of peace.  You can see through plastic wrap to what’s underneath it.  That kind of peace gives the illusion that peace is on the other side of that clear layer presenting itself so well.  I try to take people at face value until they prove themselves otherwise.  I’ve had to back out of friendships because the person lied to me, gossiped about me, or stabbed me in the back (figuratively).  I thought they were good people until I got to know them better.  Their plastic wrap bubble looked good, but it hid what was underneath the next layer.

Now we get down to the “meat” of the onion.  This is where the flavor and smell are.  I cannot cut up an onion without crying!  Sometimes it’s just watery eyes and I can get through, but other times depending on the potency of the onion, I can’t even see what I’m doing because my eyes are so full of tears.  Who says eyes and nose don’t work together?!  Peace is like that.  At times it can be a minimal momentary refreshment of calmness and quietness in our hearts.  Other times it is an overwhelming peace that seeps into every pore of our body and mind.  It’s not just a feeling, though.  It’s a deep lasting spirit that permeates our whole being and cannot be destroyed…just like the Israelites’ remembering the onions in Egypt.

Next time I’ll talk about where to find peace…stay tuned.

08 Peace in the midst of the storm

You know you have peace when you have Peace in the Midst of the Storm.  Click on the link to listen to Alvin Slaughter singing about peace to the background of video of devastation from a hurricane.  No matter what is going on around us, you can have peace just like I did throughout the entire Covid pandemic and it remains with me today.  It doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen.  It doesn’t mean I’m happy nor joyful about the situations I find myself in.  It doesn’t mean restoration will make it right.  It does mean that my faith is intact.  My joy is in the Lord.  My trust is in Him, not what’s going on around me. 

I’ve never liked to watch lightning.  I remember as a kid hiding under the covers during a thunder and lightning storm so I wouldn’t have to see the lightning flash.  It didn’t keep me any safer, but at least I didn’t have to look at it.  Later in adult life I watched a movie about a tornado that went through a town and it scared me so much that any time a tornado alert popped up on my cell phone, I’d get anxious, run around to look out each window, and jump at every gust of wind I’d hear outside.  Fear would grip my heart and I’d panic.  That was before I found peace in the midst of the storms of life.  I still don’t watch lightning and I pray I never have to experience a tornado, but I know the Lord will see me through it. 

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.

Isaiah 26:3, NLT

I don’t know what kind of storm you may be going through as you read these posts, but I know that peace is possible in the midst of it.  As I write this I think most people are going through a financial storm to one degree or another.  I came through last year very well and had anticipated continuing along the same path I was on.  But just to be sure my budget would remain intact, I increased various categories that I knew would have to be higher than last year due to the price of goods and services increasing.  Even that wasn’t enough and by the end of January I exceeded my budget.  I could have started worrying about it, but I didn’t.  I need visual and audio reminders around me for anything and everything.  If I have an appointment, I need that audio reminder in my cell phone so I don’t forget it.  If I have a Bible verse I need to remind myself of frequently, I find a picture and put it on the frig.  Here’s what I have there right now:

Lighthouses guide the way through a storm for ships on the sea.  Jesus is my lighthouse and guides me through the storms of life.  He will provide.  It is my job to trust Him no matter what the storm.  Having these images where I see them dozens of times during the day as I walk through the kitchen help keep my thoughts focused on the Provider.

In the next post, I’m going to talk about onions…come back to see what onions and peace have in common.

07 Are you free…?

Are you free to experience peace or is something holding you back?

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”

John 8:36 (NLT)

My cat Joy, like most cats, loves yarn, ribbon, tassels, or anything she can get her claws into.  But occasionally she gets tangled up in it and needs help getting free.  She enjoys playing, but my way of releasing her is to carefully pry it away from her while her way is to chew her way through it.  She fights me then because she thinks her way is better and doesn’t want me to interfere.  For her (and me) peace is her being set free from the tangle of yarn that could strangle her but the method of release is what we differ on.

Some of the things in life that destroy our peace are like tangled yarn.  They are pretty, enticing, and fun to play with, but if we aren’t careful can create a stranglehold on us.  A thought just flashed into my mind’s eye of the old cowboy shows I watched as a child.  Ropes were good for a lot of things from lassoing a stubborn calf to tying a horse to a post so it wouldn’t run off.  Ropes were also used by angry people when they formed a lynching mob and someone died by strangulation. 

If you don’t have peace in your life, there is most likely something in the way.  Ask God to show you what it is that’s interfering.  It’s just like our finicky cell phones.  Sometimes I have to move to a different spot to get a good signal because an appliance or a wall is interfering.  I wonder why I can’t access a website and when I check my connection, I find out my wi-fi was turned off.  I wonder why I’m not receiving notifications but when I check my settings, it was on silent.  You probably have similar frustrations or could add to my list.  Those frustrations are like many others—something we need to resolve or remove from our lives so the peace can flow through.  As long as we allow things, frustrations, people, and situations to have our attention, that’s where our minds go and peace has no place to settle in.  We must give peace space to reside and let it expand until we are totally free of those things that hold us back.

Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace is what we need.  Take a break and watch this video of piano music with the lyrics to this old hymn on a background of soothing peaceful video. Do you feel more peaceful now?  In the next post I’ll talk about having peace in the midst of the storm.

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