I love butterflies because they are so beautiful and because to me they stand for new life in Christ. This picture was from a color-by-number app. A picture of a butterfly that I have on my wall has the caption “Transformed by Grace Divine”. A butterfly has to go through a lot before it becomes beautiful. It starts out in a dark, cramped cocoon and then has to fight its way out to become strong. A butterfly always brings a smile to me, but also I think of peace because after all the turmoil it’s been through to break free of the cocoon, it is flitting about peacefully. No matter what you’ve been through in life, you can be transformed and become strong, too, when you fight your way out of sin and into His glorious light. Then you will be able to enjoy the perfect peace that He brings.
“Submit to God, and you will have peace;
then things will go well for you.”
Job 22:21, NLT
That doesn’t mean that everything is going to go our way nor that we’ll prosper financially. It could work out that way, but that is not what this verse is implying. One of Job’s friends was trying to help him figure out what was going on with all the trouble Job was having his his life. When things don’t go well for us, there’s usually a reason. It may be disobedience, a lie, or some other sin that is getting in the way. It is only when we submit to God, ask for forgiveness for our sins, and follow Him that we can have peace. Only then can we hope for things to go well for us as we trust in Him.
“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith,
we have peace with God because of what
Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”
Romans 5:1, NLT
Peace with God comes through our reconciliation with God is a result of our acceptance of and forgiveness from God through the death of our Lord on the cross. Peace with God is when you and God are on the same page. It is not the calmness or tranquility that brings peace with God, but our acceptance of Jesus that brings peace with God because there’s nothing between us.
Think of a friendship that has gone awry. Think about what caused it to be severed or strained. Now think about what you could do to restore it. When that friendship is reconciled or restored, there’s peace and you can enjoy each other again and share all the things that you used to share and will again. It is the same with our Lord. When there’s something in the way, the relationship is strained, and we need to figure out what is causing it. Then we need to take the steps necessary to restore that relationship to what it should be…or if you’ve never had a relationship with Jesus, the first step is to pray and ask Him to forgive your sins and open the door to an ongoing relationship with Jesus…which is the channel for peace with God.
Peace with God is only possible because of what Jesus has done for us. When we trust in Him, love Him, and serve Him, we can experience perfect peace with God even in the midst of sadness, tragedies, and other things that come upon us in this life.
Peace with God is eternal. If we have His peace now, it won’t leave us when life gets tough. It won’t leave us when we die, but will carry us through to Heaven and eternity. It’s not like a dream that ends when you wake up. It’s always there.
Are you and God on the same page today? If not, why not, and what can you do about it? When you come home from work or in from gardening, the hot bath to soak those sore muscles doesn’t draw itself. You have to put forth the effort to draw the bath and get ready. Then you will be able to bask in the refreshing, comforting feel of the water.