Years ago I didn’t give a second thought to going shopping at night, walking alone on a country road, or going out to eat or to a concert alone. I never gave it much thought, but I guess I felt safe…until there was reason not to. When I started seeing things that made me suspicious, fear crept in and before I knew what was happening, it took hold. Soon I wasn’t going out at night, especially alone, and I became tense when I saw a person or car near me that I didn’t know or recognize.
As the Covid pandemic approached in 2020, I looked around me and listened to what others were saying. They were fearful and paranoid of getting germs from someone and getting sick. While everyone was donning their masks, I was more concerned about the things I touched than what I was breathing in, so I chose to wear gloves everywhere during the height of all the hype. But overall, I wasn’t too concerned about getting sick. I’ve been in good health and I knew God would take care of me. We just need to use common sense and be wise in our interactions with others, especially when they are ill.
About a week before the quarantine took effect, I was praying and I’m not sure if I specifically prayed for peace, but I felt God’s awesome perfect peace descend over me like a blanket of love and protection. I’d never experienced anything like it before. Even though things around me hadn’t changed, the quarantine kept everyone isolated from one another, and I still had suspicions about some things, God’s peace reigned in my heart and mind, and kept me out of Satan’s clutches. I began rejecting fear every time it’s ugly head poked through.
The other day I read in my daily devotion on my Tecarta Bible app (January 19, 2023) a very interesting explanation that helps in understanding the key verse for this blog (Isaiah 26:3):
The word “keep,” when used as a noun, is actually the strong central tower of a fortress. The keep is the most defended area of a castle, containing the most important items for surviving during a siege. That’s why Christians around the world often conclude their worship service by singing the benediction: “May the LORD bless you and keep you” (Numbers 6:24, NCV).

When we are in the “keep” or the center of God’s heart, it is the safest place to be, and He will keep and protect us from the fiery darts of Satan that try to destroy our peace.
What are the most important items for surviving during a siege that’s destroying our peace? Come back for the next post.