This week we covered examination and confession so far. Now we move on to forgiveness.
God’s Forgiveness. God’s forgiveness could be likened to a prisoner’s pardon. When a prisoner receives a pardon, he is given a release from prison, cancelation of his sentence, and freedom to go home. God’s forgiveness extends a pardon or acquittal of guilt and sin, a clear record, and a promise of eternal life.
God is way more merciful and kind than we are. When someone does something wrong, man is ready to throw the book at them, lock them up, and throw away the key…not that it shouldn’t be done in some cases…but my point is that God is merciful and kind to the repentant sinner. He knows man’s heart and sees whether or not a person’s repentance is genuine and will deal with that accordingly. In the above Psalm, it shows us that God was not pleased with His people but held back the anger and fury He felt, and instead forgave them and gave them many second chances to get it right. He wants to forgive but we must do our part and confess, repent, and ask for His forgiveness.
Second Chances. Have you asked God to forgive you for something? Then what happened? Did you stay on the straight and narrow way or did you find yourself repeating the same thing again? God forgives and forgets—until we do it again. Then we have to ask forgiveness and start over. He gives second chances numerous times, but just like a line at the store, there is an end to it. Don’t take advantage of God’s second chances because it may be the last second chance.
During the Covid pandemic I learned of a place that was giving away free potatoes at a specific time and place. Even though I left very early, traffic near that location was bumper to bumper. I spent almost three hours weaving in and out of an extremely long line in a parking lot, only to get to the end where the potatoes were one car too late. The car in front of me was the last one to get free potatoes before they ran out. God’s mercy is like that supply of potatoes. It lasts for a long time, but there is an end when God says enough! So don’t zigzag in and out, hoping God will forgive you when you get to the end of the line (life). Seek forgiveness now while you can. Tomorrow may be too late.
Generously. God forgives generously (Isaiah 55:7). I love generous people. I’ve had those in my life who gave whatever and whenever they could to others in need. They would gladly give the shirt off their back if that was what was needed. I’ve also known those who were stingy and could have afforded to help but for some unknown reason refused.
“And do not neglect doing good and sharing,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16, NASB
God is generous with us and I believe He wants us to be generous with others. Too often, though, our financial needs are met by God, but then we put the excess in the bank for a rainy day instead of helping someone else who could use help. It’s called paying it forward. Years ago that would have been me. I was a bit of a miser at times because our budget was tight. I was not completely trusting God at that time because if I was, I would have shared with others in their need. Now sometimes I leap a little too quickly to help others and then realize I have a bill to pay and should have waited to share. God wants us to take care of our own commitments and then as He provides and we are able, give to the needs of family, friends, missionaries, and others.
Results. Confession and repentance needs to take place before God can forgive us. He waits for us to come to Him with confession on our lips and repentance in our heart. Do it STAT: Stop sinning, Tell Him that we’re sorry for what we’ve done, Ask His forgiveness, and Turn from our sin. When we do, He will forgive because that’s Who He is.
Tomorrow we’ll continue to talk more about forgiveness in terms of forgiving others, and then healing, prayer and fasting.
Lord, I know that You know everything—everything I’ve done and said and more. Thank You for second chances to get it right. Please forgive me for _ and give me Your strength to turn away from it and stay on the right path.
- Week 1 – temptation
- Week 2 – confession, forgiveness, and fasting
- Week 3 – listening to God and answering when He calls
- Week 4 – God’s love for us
- Week 5 – waiting, anxiety, and trust
- Week 6 – suffering, pain, and struggles
- Easter – resurrection and salvation